Thursday, April 16, 2009

I have some Trix up my sleeves

Dear QotD?ers,
I'm watching a recording of Tuesday night's Dancing with the Stars episode. Rascal Flats is singing "Revolution" by The Beatles. There are lots of red banners with yellow stars and fading yellow stripes. It makes me thing of Nazi Germany. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for.
I love books. love love love. I like how old books smell. My life doesn't feel right if I don't have a book waiting for me to read. I can keep up with about three books at a time. If I could read for an hour every night in bed, I would. I prefer to get my books from the library.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you like to have fruit in your cereal? Which kind?
The Asker


TamiJean said...

Do fruit loops count?


*laughs* I never did get used to putting fruit in my cereal. I like my fruit all by its lonesome.

groovysabrina said...

Oh yes! I used to put blueberries in my cereal, fresh is best, but frozen also work.

Now I eat papaya for breakfast, but no cereal.

Mother of Three, said...

Apples, pears, peaches, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, other berries, grapes and raisins...I've even done hot cereal with avacado slices, salt, pepper and hot sauce for breakfast.

For all things literary....

Jessica's Poem that is now a song.....

I wish I had a pet
That played the clarinet
Whenever he got wet
My mom would get upset
I'd take him to the vet
To get a flute, you bet!!
I wish I had a pet
That played the clarinet.

Jackie said...

Blueberries, strawberries, raisins, of course, and bananas are all wonderful in cereal.

I actually didn't pay too much attention to Rascal Flats. However, I was working on a paper about Nazi propaganda, so perhaps I would have caught that had I been?

Did you like Lil Kim? I actually did. Perhaps not her so much, but her performance.

Jeannie said...

I eat very plain cereal so I like sliced strawberries or bananas in my cereal. I don't eat cereal much as I get hungry before lunchtime!

kathleen said...

I like bananas......strawberries.......peaches........blueberries.....raspberries....blackberries. All are delicious!

kathleen said...

I looked at my got cut off. ???????
I like bananas, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries.
All are delicious. I also like
raisens, or craisens, and/or nuts in my oatmeal.