Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
My exercize class was cancelled. So I played computer games and ate a sprinkle and chocolate covered pretzel. Thanks Mike & Vanessa!
There's this other thing, which has happened before, and I'm not sure what to make of it. My breakfast apple left me with an oniony aftertaste. Our apples and onions are not stored near each other. Why oh why would there be this terrible flavor? I tried to get rid of it with the following: altoid mint, listerine breath strip, vigorous tooth (and tongue) brush, spoon full of peanut butter, lunch, probably a gallon of water. Even now, after dinner and (afore mentioned) chocolate pretzel, it's still there. I wonder if something is wrong with me. But I don't worry too much, just the normal weird amount.
I put on pants first, then socks. I maximize time efficiency by doing socks and shoes in the same time frame, you know, since I'm on the floor or bent over anyway. I do not sleep with socks, so pajama pants always go on before socks as well.
Now, for today. It's Earth Day! And my parent's anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mom (& Dad!)
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are things that you regularly do to benefit the earth and environment?
The Asker


amanda said...

My job helps the environment EVERY DAY! I had a lovely reminder this evening when I met with an elderly man in his home. He had all kinds of air leaks in his home and I realized that what I do actually helps people and the environment instead of just being "a job."

I also try and use the canvas bags instead of plastic, or refuse bags if it's small items. I also try to buy organic and natural stuff so there's less bad stuff out there. But I probably pay waaaay too much for that too.

kathleen said...

Thank you Kristen! Wow, 37 years seems like a loooong time. It has gone by quickly!
I recycle paper/plastic/cardboard/glass.I also recycle paper at school.
I am using canvas bags, but need to do so more. Try not to waste water, use less harsh chemicals in cleaning house/eliminating bugs. Trying to do more organic gardening,etc, (have a compost tumbler :)

Jeannie said...

Congratulations Martin and Kathleen!
I recycle plastic, cardboard, glass and dozens of phone books! I mulch my yard clippings, use our composter, thanks Justin, and put those gadgets on my faucets that add air to the flow so we use less water. I am slowly replacing all light bulbs to the more energy efficient ones.I also recycle shopping bags and gift bags. It is really fun to think of new ways to save!

TamiJean said...

I buy in bulk as often as I can - and by "bulk", I mean "with the smallest amount of packaging. I buy the giant cans of tuna and put the leftovers in the fridge. One can in the trash instead of five.

I recycle.

I buy from local farmer's markets when I can.

I buy organic when I can afford it and find it.

I have my own reusable grocery bags.

I have a water filter on my tap, and drink water from tap almost exclusively (again, cutting down on waste).

I use glass containers for my leftovers - reusable, easy to clean, and safe.

I drive a fuel-efficient vehicle when I need to, and walk instead, as often as it's viable. When I do have to drive, I try to make one trip with many purposes rather than many trips with a single purpose.

I use biodegradable kitty litter.

I have a water saving showerhead, and I'm trying to implement a graywater saving thing, where instead of letting water run into the tap, I collect in in jars and buckets and then take it outside and use it to water the flowers.

There's a lot more I plan on doing once I have my own home, but for now I try and do as many small things as I can. They add up. =]

Also, on your apple dilemma, it may be the place you are buying the apples from - if the onionization is happening before you purchase the apple, you can't control that. =]

groovysabrina said...

I have found that an onion taste can come from the knife used to cut the fruit if that same knife was used to chop onions the night before.

We used to recycle here until they took away our street bins. But we do many other things, such as walking everywhere and using public transit. I've never had a car, which I think diminishes my carbon footprint quite a bit.

We also don't consume very much (shop) and we use very little energy at home since we have natural ventilation and so few appliances.

At work, I develop forest preservation/restoration projects. Pro-Earth!

AggieEngineer2k said...

We recycle (seems like a lot for just the two of us), drive a Fusion (~30 MPG), make liberal use of tupperware, try to reuse plastic lunch bags, and take the vanpool 100 miles round-trip for work!

I would love to have enough big canvas bags for the weekly grocery run. Those stupid plastic bags don't work that well anyway.

I'll tell Mr. Randalls Produce Man to not ship apples and onions in the same crates anymore. =S

Jackie said...

Wow, this is a particularly green group of QotD-ers!

As for me, I recycle, use plastic grocery bags as trash bags, try and buy from local farmers, and I use an aluminum water bottle and Brita filter to try to cut back on water bottle dependency.

However, my favorite way to lend the Earth a helping hand is my job. Thursday's at the museum is half price if you bring in your recycling and we spend Thursdays educating the kids about the importance of taking care of the planet. However, this week we're actually focusing on a different form of conservation each day and allowing half price admission with a recyclable item. There's nothing better than seeing little kids tell you how good they've been to the planet, or listening to them rat out their parents for leaving the water on by brushing their teeth or throwing away milk cartons.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Today, I will get canvas bags FOR FREE when I buy the groceries. I used to have about ten of them, but over Christmas they were used to transport gifts and then they disappeared. I have been counting down the days for promotion! YEAH!

Living in a 'rural area', recycling is not offered. So we take our paper recycling to the schools. But I have not found a convenient drop-off for plastic or glass recycling.

Our water gets recycled in the sense that we are on septic, so our "clean" effluent is on a sprinkler system that waters our yard. Most of my water use comes from the laundry, so I make sure I am only doing full loads.

I work from home three days a week to save the commute.

We grow our own garden and share the harvest with a number of neighbors who also keep gardens.

We put a timer on our water heater so it is not heating water 24/7 when it is only needed in the mornings....for the most part.

The Onion Power may be coming from an onion that was consumed earlier?

My mom used to have a real issue with onions...."Is that an onion I smell in my house??" She was always smelling onions and getting upset with people for having onions near her. It was funny.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I forgot to mention our backyard!! The playground in our backyard is made from recycled and salvaged materials that were left as trash on properties that Bob serviced. The playground is awesome and fun and quite impressive! It includes a playdeck (a small deck set up so that Jessica can play restuarant), a swing set, teeter totter, slide, horseshoe pit, pull-up bar, and a game that Bob calls Box Hockey. Think fuseball played with hockey sticks and a croquet ball. All recycled and reused materials, with a few small exceptions. And so much fun.

Kristen said...

AMANDA,SABRINA AND JACKIE WIN for having eco-themed jobs!

TamiJean, I'm intersted in hearing more about your greywater effort.

Anne, is your backyard playground the hub of the neighborhood? Because it really sounds like it should be.