Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
I just asked that question for fun. I currently have no plans for QotD? merchandise. But, if you would really be interested, help me come up with a good logo, or design. Justin suggested Quiggly Orin surrounded by his helmeted ducks. That would definately fit the bill of being confusing to others!
I was soo tired before, during and after exercise class today. Sigh. Even so, I stopped at the library and got three more books. I love books.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you love books?
The Asker


Auntie Barb said...

Oh yes, I do. I am a hopeless romantic so I love to read a good romance (not the sleezy kind) but with a happy ending. There is so much that is worrysome in this world so it's nice to escape to London for awhile. I am also very interested in history so reading of days past is very cool to me.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I was once asked ...
"If you were independently wealthy, how would you spend your time?"

I would read.

I laughed yesterday morning when I went to wake up Jacob. He had a stack of books by his head and another stack at the foot of his bed. That is how I used to sleep..surrounded by books.

What? No world tour T-shirt??? I was going to buy one for TamiJean!!

kathleen said...

Yes, I love books. I love to read. Unfortunately, once I start reading a book, I do not want to do anything else.
Sooooooooo, I usually do my serious reading during the summer, when I have the luxury of being able to read until the book is done!

groovysabrina said...

do I ever!

I so miss half-price bookstores.

TamiJean said...

Kristen! Email me, and I will help you design a Quiggly icon. =] Cute is my forte.

@Anne <3 for thinking of me!

@Question - You already know the answer to this one, Kristen! *laughs* I LOVE books. I haven't read as much in recent years, so this year, one of my resolutions was to read more. At least one, but preferably two books a month.

Also, I have a podcast for readers and writers of romance and fantasy, I'm writing a book, I have plans for many further books, and I'm writing two webserials.

To me, happiness isn't complete without a good book.

Jackie said...

Yes, I do. I love books.

Jeannie said...

Yes, I love books! I try to read a book a week. In the summer, I just gobble them up. My favorite author right now is Karen Kingsbury. Wonderful stories with spiritual struggles. We have a fantastic church library, so I rarely have to buy books. I really enjoy mysteries/suspense (no gore please)

amanda said...

I love books but can't seem to find enough time to read them! Then I start a book and it takes me weeks to finish it. Or it takes so long to finish it, I forgot what happened in the beginning. So these days, I've been sticking to magazines, but hoping to change that this year.