Friday, August 29, 2008

4 day weekend

Dear QotD?ers,
Yes! a 4 day weekend! Happy Labor Day (Monday)!
I was not aware that pregnancy messes with bone structure. I will remember this for later.
Gustav is still undedicded, but it looks like we still will see no effects. Regardless, we should have had our hurricane ride-out snacks all sumer. That will be one of this morning's missions.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What non-perishable food would you most like to have* if you were going to be without power for 1.5 days?
The Asker
*Please avoid "foods that I would need for my sanity" like alcohol or tranquilizers for the dogs downstairs.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Act your age, not your...

Dear QotD?ers,
No, I don't have today off, but I do have a meeting today off-site. I have been thinking about you though.
Amanda, I am jealous that you got to have lunch with Matthew and Jackie. Matthew and Jackie, I'm jealous that you got to have lunch with Amanda. You should all come have lunch with me!
Gustav is still on the radar, but he's not as exciting as we thought he would be. It looks like our labor day exended weekend will be unaffected. I will probably purchase some water and non-perishable snacks this afternoon to be held until hurrican season is over. Just in case there are other hurricanes on the way that may actually effect our power supply.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's your shoe size?
The Asker

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sometimes, Sci-Fi books assume that Soviet Russia will exist in the future

Dear QotD?ers,
I'm reading a sci-fi novel written in the 50's.
I think Gustav is headed towards New Orleans on Monday. If so, it will be a terrible Labor day for them. There is a small chance I will get a hurricane day on Tuesday, but I'm so far from the coast we would only be risking power outages.
I appreciate all the answers yesterday and knew who most of them were! ALF wins! Evie I sort of remember, but I get her mixed up with the "small Wonder" robot-girl. Justin, good choices. If only Riker was an alien... I dont' remember hypnotoad. I don't really like Q and his arrogance. Mom, ET still scares me unless it's in spanish. Alicia, I remember when that show came out. It was hilarious.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
How would you feel about a hurricane having your name? (Alicia can answer from experience)
The Asker

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"It was like being in a Final Fantasy Game"

Dear QotD?ers,
The Olympic closing ceremonies were Sunday. I missed the and asked a co-worker how they were. His response is the title of today's post. I went to the NBC website last night and figured out how to watch their Olympic videos, so I watched the hours worth of closing ceremonies footage. favorite part: JACKIE CHAN!
BREAKING NEWS: Hurricane Gustav!
He won't hit for another two weeks, anywhere between the Florida panhandle and Mexico... So, um, get your hurricane kits ready?
Today's Question of the Day? is:
With all the science fiction out there, what/who is your favorite alien?
The Asker

Monday, August 25, 2008

"Paul free! in van number two!"

Dear QotD?ers,
I just had a 3-day weekend. It confused me so much that I thought it was actually a week later that it really was. I've gotten my days confused before, but never my weeks. Good thing that this week is only 4 days too! HOORAY!
For those of you interested in a QotD? challenge, I have one for you! I would like to have a Rorschach inkblot theme week, but since this is QotD? I need it to be a little strange. I'm calling upon you to create some Rorschach condiment-blots. Get some ketchup, mustard or your favorite condiment or sauce; put some on a paper plate (or suitable substitute), fold the paper plate in half, photograph the 'inkblot' and e-mail it to me. I'll then use your blot as part of a question.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your favorite TV show of all times?
The Asker

Friday, August 22, 2008

I've got juice!

Dear QotD?ers,
Yesterday's question didn't seem very popular, but I thank all of you who did answer. I was very pleased with stories of 35 drums, nutant ants, horrifying gas station restrooms and shedding.
You might be saying to yourself, "I know it's Friday, but she was off last Friday, how come she didn't post her question promptly at 7:15ish?" If so, here's the asnwer: I had a doctor appointment this morning and decided I wanted to take a day of vacation rather than drive 100 miles for the sake of being at work for 4 hours.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Are you feeling lucky?
The Asker

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

be creative

Dear QotD?ers,


The safety training yesterday wasn't so bad. There were videos, humoruous and depressing. Activities, snacks and .... prizes? (I'm not sure a can of vienna sausages or tuna is considered a prize. especially compared to the next prize - a box of Whoppers).


The last topic we discussed for the day was housekeeping and all the hazards involved. So,


Today's Question of the Day? is:


Think about your favorite housekeeping issue (clutter, tripping hazards, specific locations). How would you complete the story below?


Bill went into the __________.
The area had poor housekeeping. It wasn't long before he encountered
As a result, he __________ and __________.
This incident also had the following effects on Bill's life:

The Asker

red is for danger

Dear QotD?ers,
It's raining outside and I'm in all-day training. But we take a 10 minute break as part of every hour. We've only gotten through 10 pages of our 115 page workbook and we started at 7am. It's moving a little slow for my taste, but it's Safety training, so I shan't complain. What I will complain about is the lack of donuts for a training class that starts 30 minutes earlier than regular work, meaning I couldn't ride the van this morning, and also that I had to wake up early.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
If you could have convinced Noah to leave behind a species or genus, which would you have chosen?
The Asker

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reprise of Ruby Throated Sparrow

Dear QotD?ers,
I made it through my very busy Monday and I think my radio really helped (even though it only gets one station, with static, inside this building).
Last night Justin tried to feed me celery in a recipe. He claimed that by cutting it very small, I wouldn't taste it, but would still benefit from the crunch. I told him that was a lie, that I would always taste the celery. He didn't believe it. I proved him wrong. And then he smelled like celery all evening.
If you ever have a really good question, e-mail me (at my hotmail address) and I'll use it. I think it's only fair that you have a chance since many of my questions are created because I've thought of an answer that I want to share. Oh, and e-mail it straight to me so everyone won't start answering in the comments. I want to keep that chaos low.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Is there a THEME that would like to see as a QotD? Theme Week?
The Asker

Monday, August 18, 2008

She's my FAYvorite

Dear QotD?ers,
It's Monday! ug? I hope all of you have an easy Monday, or at least one that isn't too terrible. I look pretty nice today, so I'm hoping that will improve my mood.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is one of your pet peeves?
The Asker

Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympics 5/5

Dear QotD?ers,

Do you remember me telling you that you probably wouldn't get your QotD? in time on my off-Fridays? Well. that's what happened today.

Now, to finish up the First QotD? Theme Week

Imagine that you have won an Olympic Medal (I don't care what you won for: real or ficitional event, support stuff, whatever)

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Where will you keep your Olympic Medal!?
The Asker

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympics 4/5

Dear QotD?ers,

I was right, yesterday was a bad day. In addition to the crazy contact situation, I had a pretty bad headache. I'm hoping that today will be better.

Some of you jumped the gun by answering todays' question yesterday. Either you can copy/paste or answer yesterday's question today.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

What event would you like to include (and then participate) in the Olympics?

The Asker

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympics 3/5

Dear QotD?ers,

Today is not going to be a good day. I'm wearing two different prescription of contacts and Target has yet to call about my order coming in. If I use one eye at a time, it's fine. But the difference is just enough that it makes me crazy. Do not be alarmed, I can still function as a fully sighted person, despite opposing contacts.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Ignore your own skill and training limitations, which Olympic event would you like to participate in?

The Asker

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olympics 2/5

Dear QotD?ers,
I haven't actually watched the Olympics since Saturday. I wish I could find a schedule that would tell me when synchronized diving is (rather than find out that it was last night and it was awesome).
I made a new dish today for our Wedding Shower potluck at lunch. I'll let you know how it turns out. Also, I organized our bookshelves last night. It looks sooo much better
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your favorite Olymipc event to watch (summer or winter games)?
The Asker
I <3>

Thoughts on 8/11/08

I'm pretty sure not all of you have subscribed to QotD? RSS feed. Mainly that's because RSS is still a mystery to me.
I've decided to try a response post so that you will know your answer was appreciated. We'll see how it goes.
Olympics 1/5
I'm glad that those of you who watched it were equally amazed. I think NBC has the intersting parts (all the theatrics, none of the parade of nations) on their website. -- Justin is hilarious for providing commentary on his own answer. -- In Feb of '09 local broadcast channels go from analog to digital. All the tvs we own won't pick up the digital signal, unless we get a new tv, cable/satellite or converter box. -- I accept thanks from Band Geek, it was my pleasure and I'm glad he no longer has an enemy.
21 to 6
man, we all have a lot of writing things. Anne, I'm curious what sort of paints you have in your bedroom.
Illegal Substitutions
Jennifer, I'm also married to Mad Cow Disease. It's not so bad. -- Matthew want to hear from anyone who had given double red cells.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympics 1/5

Dear QotD?ers,
This weekend was a busy one. My grandmother turned 80 on Saturday, so most of her family got together for a birthday party. We had homemade fajitas and 5 kinds of desert (chocolate cake, white cake, brownies, banana pudding, apple strudel). I was also introduced to a drink called "wine-arita." Sunday we went to visit my uncle. It was good to see him and we got to participate in a session of phys therapy. Take some time right now to appreciate how good you have it, being able to move freely and how frustrated you would be if you lost control of an arm or leg. He's making excelent progress, it will just take time.
So, this week begins the first Theme Week for Question of the Day? If you paid attention to the title, you should know where I'm going with this. In addition to answering Olympic themed questions, you are welcome to share anything Olympic related (how much you loved watching [insert event here], discussing China as a crazy country, letting me know if the Home Depot commercials make you cry too). If, for some reason, you hate the Olympics, you are welcome to make up and answer your own question. Just make sure you state what the question is. Anyone can use this method any time my question does not interest you.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Did you watch the opening ceremonies?
If so, what was your favorite part?
If not, what were you doing that was so important that you couldn't watch the opening ceremonies, because they were awesome?
The Asker
P.S. yes, the Home Depot commercial made me cry. How can you not be moved when you think about Home Depot giving all those athletes a steady job and still allow them the flexibility to train as much as they need?

Friday, August 8, 2008

21 to 6

Dear QotD?ers,
I had green vegitables at dinner Wednesday night and yesterday at lunch I ate 1/2 of a huge hamburger. In the afternoon I went back to the blood-mobile to try again. This time I had them prick a finger on my right hand. Result: They took my blood AND gave me another cupon for a pint of BlueBell. The woman working on me was extremely good. She found a vein without any problems, didn't hurt much at all, and I have no bruising today.
Yesterday evening we had our 3rd annual New Engineers vs. Managers game. It was a lot of fun, as I get to heckle all the managers*, and we won.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
How many writing devices are within arms reach?
The Asker
*other game duties include scorekeeping and poster management. The Asker did not actually play and therefor remained free of injuries.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

illegal substitutions

Dear QotD?ers,
I watch some of the strangest reality tv shows. Last night I watched professional hair stylists groom dogs, and then style the dog's owner to look like their own dog. Seriously, that's weird.
I tried to give blood yesterday and for the first time ever, my iron count was low. Only by one point, so I can try again this afternoon. Regardless, everyone who tried got a free t-shirt (high quality grey) an A COUPON FOR A PINT OF BLUEBELL. Seriously, that's awesome.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you give blood?
The Asker

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ivy on my desk

Dear QotD?ers,
My oatmeal tastes really good today. So, yesterday we didn't go to work. Instead we watched movies, tv, went to the post office and Half-Price books.

Today I have a pot-luck lunch with my work group. I brought some french bread and dinner rolls.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you own teacups* or is all you have is coffee mugs?
*not counting formal-occasion-china
The Asker

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

rain bands

Dear QotD?ers,
Edouard, the first major hurricane threat to our area, wimped out this morning. He didn't become a hurricane, but got tired and turned in early.
But! because of the risk he posed yesterday, we got today off. So I slept in late and am still wearing pajamas.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your favorite outfit?
The Asker

Monday, August 4, 2008

starring Cedric Diggory as Edouard

Dear QotD?ers,
secret line break
1) I'm wearing a skirt today
2) Tropical storm Edouard is in the Gulf and scheduled to make landfall tomorrow morning. We are keeping track of it. It is not expected to reach hurricane status. That said, I expect to be safe and the biggest stress to be boarding up the in-laws' house.
3) Considering the spectrum of stroke effects, my uncle has been blessed. He was transported quickly to a facility. His speech and cognitive mind were not effected. Though doctors can't find the source of the problem, they expect that he can fully recover. He lost control of his right side (below neck), but has already shown signs of regaining muscle control and sensation. Thank you for all of your prayers, keep them coming!
secret line break
Today's Question of the Day? is:
secret line break
How would you feel about periodically having a weekly theme for questions?
secret line break
The Asker
secret line break

Friday, August 1, 2008


Dear QotD?ers,
I had some cinnamon toast for breakfast. It's a Friday and I'm not at work today, so phew!
Today's Questin of the Day? is:
Do you like to sleep in?
The Asker
P.S. I hope you all have a good weekend!