Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
HAHA! MOST OF YOU WERE COMPLETELY FOOLED! Approximately 50% of QotD?ers were fooled (including non-public QotD?ers). I say that's pretty successfull. I really appreciate those of you were genually upset and hope you weren't too heartbroken.
Back to our regularly scheduled Question of the Day?ing!!!!!
I do a pretty good cat impersonation. I have fooled both humans and cats. I enjoy talking to strange cats I meet on the street. I also believe that I do pretty good guitar solo impersonations. As for actual people though, I don't think I've got any good impersonations. aww.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Did you have a good prank planned for this year? or have you had an amazingly successful one in the past?

The Asker


Auntie Barb said...

Well you sure got me. I thought it was strange you were quitting since you seem to enjoy this so much.
I don't have an April fools but Uncle Danny got me pretty good. I got a new washer and dryer and he picked them up yesterday. He called me at work and told me he had just unloaded them at home and that when he looked in the box, they were silver! I said, "the lady at the store told me the box said red". Why would they put silver in a red box? He said,"I don't know but they're silver". Of course I got really sad, because I really wanted the red ones. Then he said "April Fools"! They really are red! Yay!!!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

When Nick was about four, he asked me if we could pull a prank on Bob for April Fool's. Nick wanted me to clean out Bob's underwear drawer and replace all the items with women's undergarments. The boys and I went to a discount store and bought a stash of big, unattractive items. But Nick was still very sweet at that age, and he decided that his father might get really angry when he opened his drawer, so Nick begged me not to proceed with the prank.

We never were able to pull that prank because I think Nick ultimately told his dad about his idea, but I still consider it a genius prank!!

I think that was the same year that Nick got us all on Christmas. After all the gifts were opened, he took a stocking and slunk around the tree unnoticed. He was being the Grinch who stole Christmas. We could NOT figure out were our gifts went!!

Yeah for the new washer and dryer!!

AggieEngineer2k to Fooled said...

I got fooled by The Asker!

You do speak Cat very well. I don't know how you make those sounds.

The one you almost did would have been a zinger! Maybe next year...

groovysabrina said...

Wow, Kristen, you even fooled Justin! I was fooled, and saddened by the short farewell notice. Endings should always drag on as long as possible.

Can't say I've ever done a successful prank. I do enjoy Google's pranks on April Fool's Day. Also, once my university published an article on April Fool's saying they would start charging for emails by the number of words. As a student body, we were outraged! Until we realized the joke was on us!

amanda said...

i was genuinely duped by the asker. i wasn't even thinking about april fools. Hmm, I've done a couple of good pranks. None to go down in the record books, but I've successfully convinced friends that I was transferring back to SWT after transferring to aTm and I also convinced my two best friends that I was dating a guy again who they didn't approve of. I'll start working on next year's now!