Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year! 2/9

Dear QotD?ers,

It's still 2010 everyone! Have you been writing your checks with the correct year? Oh man, Justin just took some brownies out of the oven and they smell very good.
Tomorrow I'll be going back to work, as will most of you. I hope it's productive and everyone has a good lunch or whatever. Uggh, work.

Today's Quesiton of the Day? is:
Now that 2009 is over, How did you do on your resolutions or goals? (Here's a reminder of what they were)

Amanda, occasional poster who has resolved to post more this year, started a photo-a-day project with a variety of her friends. I am participating! If you want to see what sort of random photos I'm sharing with the world, here.

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...


I sense conspiracy. Just before going to sleep last night, Jessica said to me that I was SUPPOSED to get her in art lessons this year. And then this morning I get that reminder as written by my own self last year!

Maybe I should work on getting my children a better mother for 2010.

IF a mother were to get angry and try to poison a child, that thought process might work like this.

Offspring: "I WIN!!"
Mother: "I give and I give and I give and it is never enough. I answer EVERYDAY and you win because of something superficial like HAIR???!! I hope this works out for you, but remember I know where you sleep."
Offsrping: "I WIN!!!"
Offspring 2: "He wins!"

I think that the conspiracy will not fare any better for such a deranged mother. Constant reminders of her shortcomings and declarations of being superior by her offspring might just put her over the edge, a place where she has tottered these many years.

kathleen said...

I did fairly well with my 'goals' for 2009. Organization could use a little more work.......but hey.....I bought new containers for my Christmas decorations/ornaments...and that is a good thing. ;)
I am also planning on starting up Yoga classes again.
Hang in there!

Tami Parker said...

Oooh, the photo a day project sounds fun! I have you in my feed reader, madam!

My review of 2009 resolutions was here:

(yes, I AM lazy enough to just link to my blog. =P )

Simply OBTAINING the Asker's brownie points does not indicate winning. The Asker's point system is complex and vivid, by which I mean arbitrary, of course. ;)

AggieEngineer2k in TwentyTen said...

3/5! Bought a house, went real tent camping with you in a proper forest, and vacay in Durango!

Mother of Three, Anne said...


Nothing gives you insight into complex and vivid point systems like parenthood. Take this exchange from yesterday:

"Thanks for cleaning up the muddy pawprints in the utility room. You are sure to get end-of-the-day bonus points for that."

"We get end of the day bonus points?? I didn't know that."

"I don't tell you everything."

This is how we keep the kids guessing as to who the favorite really is!!

I will visit your blog later, but first I must share something that I think might interest you.

This organization takes orignal art and sells it in CIGARETTE MACHINES!! The website also shows you the cigarette machines that they use at particular locations. You can alos look at art work that is being sold in the machines. Pretty fun stuff.

Tami Parker said...


I followed the link and clicked on a random artist.

Their example picture was a sculpture of a severed toe, painted sparkly black and rainbow shimmery.

I am very afraid to click on anything else.

Mother of Three, Anne said...


Hee hee hee. Some artists really try too hard to be artists.

The first artist I click on showed a pair of earrings. Some of the works are very "artistic" but many of them are just fun little drawings or paintings. I keep trying to find a sculpture, but no luck yet.

I did take a moment to visit your link. And then saw that you had other links. And then I wondered how you have time to hold down a paying job. And then I wondered why I don't do anything fun with my life. And then I got angry at you, but remembered that I live in a magical house because of you. So I decided to put my anger behind me and read part of your books later this week.

Once I have done so, I will come back and vociferiously applaud your awesomeness.

Tami Parker said...


You actually MADE PEOPLE.

And then grew them up big and strong and sometimes with shaggy hair. I think you win at the whole "doing something fun with my life" thing.


I recommend either Choose or Blue Moon for the reading. Both of those are ongoing, and both have a "Read the Story" table of contents link so you don't have to try and manually scroll backwards to read the installments in order.

And if you read any of them, I'd love love love to know what you think! *twirls*

Kristen said...

Anne, I wish QotD? was not part of the conspiracy, but perhaps Dr. Fandango was working behind the scenes already last year. TamiJean is right, points don't mean anything until 50 have been accumulated. You ar a wonderful QotD?er and a super quirky and fun mother!

Mom, sticking with your goals right to the end! yeah!

TamiJean, not lazy, just efficient!

Justin, camping in the rain! Maybe we can try again this year without the rain or the cold. that would be fabulous.