Wednesday, January 20, 2010

BABY! (i'm not having one, don't get excited)

Dear QotD?ers,

There were a lot of good answers yesterday. I assign you to vote for your favorite response! I don't know what was actually wrong. When I booted up RamRom today, it accepted keyboards just fine. hrmmm.

My workgroup went out to a steakhouse lunch today to celebrate my 5-yr workaversary! (and another guy's 30th). But other than that, it was a crazy busy day and I was very glad when it was over. Only one more day until the weekend for us, HOORAY!

Today's Quesiton of the Day? is:

When and who was the last baby you held?



his mother said...

Simeon Cole Hill. I was priviledged to get to hold him while having my most recent meal.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Over Thanksgiving weekend, baby Kayleigh and her parents visited.

And since you brought it up, Bob made me laugh recently when I told him it was your fourth anniversary. He responded with:

"Well, she sure did show me!! I tried to tell her she was making a mistake and it would never last! Four years, huh? I AM a fool!"

Then he asked me how old you are and I had to do some math and came up with 27. He shook his head.

"Kathleen needs some grandkids by now. What is she doing with her life?? I hope she hasn't planned things out and is doing rational things like waiting to buy a house, letting the marriage get settled, socking away money. Maybe I am not the fool after all!"

And speaking of Kathleen,

HOW???How do you get up early everyday, teach classes all day and then not fall into a heap by 5 pm???

I must cast my vote for Sweetie Pie's answer to your keyboard dilemma.

Auntie Barb said...

Simeon Cole Hill, my new grandson, whom I don't get to see near enough. Christmas Day when they came home. I love holding babies and it's ok if you and Justin have one soon for us to hold!

kathleen said...

Jacob Garrett Anderle. He was born in October and he the son of my brother's son. He is so cute and quite handsome! We got to meet him at Christmas at my mom's house. Everyone wanted to hold him and he was a good 'sport.'

Yes, it is special to have a baby around.....always! The world just seems to be a 'cheerier' place!

As for when...I would say.......all in due time! :)

Yup, sometimes I do fall into a heap...usually when I get home!
Yesterday I was tired all day....and probably could have closed my eyes and fallen asleep....anywhere is 1 minute or less! I do try to go to sleep earlier........earlier than I used to that is!

kathleen said...

I forgot to vote. I vote for Tami Jean. I got lost.......somewhere in her answer! ;)

Speaking of LOST, do any of you watch lost? The final season starts on Feb. 2. I can't wait!

groovysabrina said...

Baby Leonardo, a giant 3-month-old who enjoys long walks, sleeping, and continuous movement.

The Minears said...

Not counting my own child who is now a toddler, the last baby I held was Brooke Haley Napier, she's the daughter of John's boss.

Tami Parker said...

*laughs at your title* I don't actually recall the last baby I held - I'm still afraid of babies, so I don't offer to hold them ever. What if I drop it or it bites me?!

Mr. S.H.S.S.F said...

A girl named Kayleigh.

AggieEngineer2k Lloyd Brown (not a baby) said...

Interesting... moms call babies by all three names.

Jacob for me, too.

TamiJean wins my vote! That story was fantasticaliciousness!

Jackie said...

My cousin Heater's youngest over Christmas break. He'll be one year in May. His name is Joseph and he is adorable! Of course, most babies are.

Sweetie Pie said...

It was around Thanksgiving Day, and her name was Kayleigh McCloskey!
Sweetie Pie

Sweetie Pie said...

It was around Thanksgiving Day, and her name was Kayleigh McCloskey!
Sweetie Pie

Anonymous said...

Dear Tami Jean and The Asker,

Ohh my I havent laughed like that in a while. Your biggest flaw though is that you didn't realize that I was actually training the capybaras to look likes babies and I shall now put them in houses all over the world! and waht the asker doesnt realize is that I programed he keyboard to try to kill her while the aliens I have spent the last few weeks making freinds with could put cameras in her house! So now I have all the information I need to make her new years resolutions fail! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! And um the last time i held a baby was in 1809 when I held baby lincoln for the first time.

Dr. Fandango, executor of plans

Tami Parker said...

@Dr. Fandango

So many things come to mind as a response, but only one remains by the end of your tirade (it was a nice tirade, by the way, have you been practicing?)

...what did the plans ever do to you that you felt you needed to execute them? HOW do you execute them? Do you like ... have a tiny guillotine and you roll the plans up and slip them through the hole, then chop their margins off?