Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear QotD?ers,

I love napping in the sunshine. At some point the nap will get juuust warm enough to be a little sweaty to wake you up. then you know you've had a good nap. or maybe that's just me.

Listening to NPR on the way home from work, we heard a story about ski-cross, a new Olympic sport. You release 4 skiiers down a hill at the same time, with twists and turns and jumps, expect them to ram into each other or otherwise injure themselves, and first one to the bottom wins!! Part of the story included a sound clip from a pre-lim race where some french guy jumped off the course and got injured. they saved the injury reveal for the end: vertebrae damage, likely paralysis. WHAT? And this is an Olympic sport?!?!?! A coach: "Yeah it's dangerous, but my athletes can quit anytime they get scared." Please agree with my astonishment at this. for it leads into..

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What sort of rediculously dangerous Olympic sports can you come up with?

like: open water swim relay with sharks, cross country run and shoot-at-the-leader, hockey without padding

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

Oh, please! For the love of all that is good, remove this question before anybody else reads it!

Sigh. Sigh.

All I can envision now is my backyard being the test grounds for any and all ridiculous sports that have the potential to maim and injure.


Tami Parker said...

Wow. I mean. A lot of sports are dangerous, but this skiing thing is just ridiculous!

Dangerous sport, dangerous sport.

*reads Anne's comment*


Pillow fighting.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Thanks, TamiJean!

But it is a lost cause already. The question is out there. Discussions have begun. Ideas are being pondered. I will not reveal some of the shocking things I have already heard, but the question was put back to me and I offered this sport:

Book reading.

How could that possibly be dangerous?

Books can change thoughts and opinions. As exemplified by one sixteen year old Lutheran who visited our home over the weekend and saw a book on our table. He laughed and asked me to put the book out of his sight, as he feared that sixteen years of religious upbringing might be rendered useless if he read the book. As if he would read it!! Ha! I think he still hasn't finished the Deathly Hallows!!!

My family scoffed at my idea of danger. But Karl Marx is with me on this one!!

Jessim said...

It seems like plenty of the olympic sports are dangerous enough- no need to invent new ones.

Jessim said...

(Wikipedia says ski cross skiers aren't suppose to ram into other skiers: "Competitors are not allowed to pull or push each other during the KO finals. Any intentional contact to the other competitors will be penalized by disqualification or exclusion from the next race.")

Kristen said...

Anne, it looks like you have frightened everyone away!

Skittl, I bet the ruthless ones get reaaal sneaky about it.

Anonymous said...

Dear The Asker,
Sigh. There are no right answers to this question (Except for mine of course) seeing as anyone of the scientific community (like us) doesn't even know what the word sport means! "Sport?" they say as the scratch their heads, "Is that some new type of subatomic particle?" Then they scream as I burst in through the wall with my ostracized, profound ideas and contraptions! That's when I throw a fotbal (the nonamerican kind) at their heads while I break out the croquet hoops and mallets screaming, "Calvinball would be the most dangerous olympicanic sport of all time!! Bwahahaha!" As they sit there reconsidering their physique, and using H2O2 to clean their wounds; I chuckle and congradulate myself on a job well done. That is the story of how my art career got started.

Dr. Fan-danger-o, Overlord of the funny stories

Stacia said...

Kid Wrangling