Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's about how you say it

Dear QotD?ers,

Did everyone get a Christmas card? I have more extra than I thought I should, but everyone was crossed off my list. If you didn't get one, I'll mail one belatedly. It'll still be awesome!
Good news everyone! It's not nearly as cold as it has been. It's still cold though. Cold enough for 2 pairs of socks.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
When talking, how do you say 2010?

The Asker


Jackie said...

I've been saying "I'm the class of twenty-ten."

@ Anne

Yes, I definitely cannot imagine as a collegiate dependent what real-world responsibilities are like. Heck, my parents are still paying for my cell phone... That's why I said I would be going into the "real world" when I graduated. But, still, this is still a real world, right? I think I'm more entering into "adult world." And that scares me a bit.

Oh well. Happy (late) Birthday!

kathleen said...

I've been saying 'Twenty-Ten' and most people that I have heard say
2010 out loud say the same.
Two thousand Ten......sounds least now it does.

Happy Anniversary Kristen and Justin! Today is their 4th Anniversary!!!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I have said it both ways: twenty ten and two thousand ten. I rather like two thousand ten better, but nobody ever said one thousand nine hunderd ninety-three, so I am betting that twenty ten will be the standard.

@ Jacklyn,

Well, I think every phase of our lives are little bubblespheres. I really dislike the attitude of "he is just a kid and has nothing to worry about." I tell my kids that being a child is THE HARDEST JOB there is. They have soooo much to learn and be responsible for and none of that should be dismissed as irrelevant or easy. Adulthood responsiblities are the same ones you have now, or that my kids have, essentially. What changes over time is not is your understanding of things. Don't be scared...the shift from college to "real world" is not a big chasm.

And thanks to all the celebrators!

And happy anniversary to the Browns!!

groovysabrina said...

Happy Anniversary!

and happy belated birthday, Anne!

And it's two thousand ten for me.

Jeannie said...

Happy 4th Anniversay Justin and Kristen. Twenty ten here as well.

Tami Parker said...

Happy Anniversary, you two! *hugs*

I'm another twenty-tenner.

Jessim said...

"Two-thousand ten"

But I suppose "twenty-ten" goes better with the convention for saying years established in the nineteen hundreds. But we didn't use that convention for the past 9 years, so I'm not used to it anymore :)

Two socks cold? Must be chilly.
We are having a heat wave here. It is THIRTY-FIVE degrees. Pretty unbelievable for January. And is going to ruin Kevin's skiing plans for MLK day.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Funny things I have heard that relate to QoTD:

TamiJean knows about Monty Python?
(I quipped that it wasn't altogether certain that TamiJean was NOT Eric Idle.)

When talking, how do you say 2009?

I wish there was a Dr. Fandango lunchbox. (THAT would be fun!!)

GroovySabrina is marrying that crazy French-Brazilian guy?? (Oh, that made me laugh!! Those crazy French-Brazilians!!)

Does the Asker really know all these people?

See? I told you!! Fantastical IS a word! The Asker used it today!! (My response was, "Your sources being Jules Verne, who was French, so how could he know about the English language, and the Asker? Have you seen her spelling and grammar!!?? Be serious!!)

Sweetie PIe said...

I'm a twenty-ten person!@ Asker

Have you done anything to upset Dr.Fandango?
Sweetie Pie

Kristen said...

Mom, Anne, Sabrina, 2ndMom, TamiJean, thank you!

Jessi, oo, better get your shorts out!

Anne, who's talking about QotD? You know, I'd also be interested in Dr. Fandango lunchbox.

Sweetie Pie, I can't think of anything, is he mad or just silent?

Mother of Three, Anne said...


All those comments came from my children, but as I did not want to specifically rat them out, I just presented a list of comments. I do know that my youngest has told a teacher that she is on your blog, but otherwise, I think it is a contained experience.