Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year! 1/3

Dear QotD?ers,
I have really enjoyed my vacation. I was able to spend a lot of my family, which I am very thankful for. I should put up a post on my livejournal account with details and pictures of all the fun we had. I hope you had a great time doing whatever it was you ended up doing, being safe, and getting better from sickness.
Because this is the first QotD? of the New Year, we are going to have a very traditional question.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
For 2009, do you have any goals (big or small), new year's resolutions or upcoming events?
I can't say I've ever made a serious resolution that I've kept, so I'm not going to start now. Which is why I allowed for 'goals.' I think that's a better way for me to look at the things I want to do. Some goals include: excersize more, get a house, visit friends more, peepy chicken art, and write myself a monthly update (so I'll have details to match my memories). I haven't gotten quantitatively detailed in my goals, but that will allow me to modify them through the year.
The Asker


Anonymous said...

<3 Peepy chicken art!

the monthly update is a really good idea. I'd love to see that as well!

So are you guys planning on getting a house in Houston? Or are you looking around more?

I have a bunch of goals (and I love the idea of goals over resolutions). I always start out with resolutions and then modulate most of them into a series of goals. "Take more pictures" is a resolution. "Upload two pictures a month to Flickr" is my modulated goal. =]

Kristen said...

TamiJean, if you'd like, you could help me remember those monthly updates. I need to be more active on my LJ.

The house will likely be in the greater Houston suburban area, south-ish side. We haven't gotten much more specific than that.

Anonymous said...

I have never been a big fan of the resolutions. And I have never understood why people would only relfect on thier lives once a year.

However, on my list of things for 2009, I have promised to get Jessica enrolled in some art lessons, and both she and Nick are ready to start back with tennis. I am required in those efforts.

On a personal side and not unrelated to the needs and desires of my children, I need to tighten my budget or find a magical cave full of money in my backyard. It will not be any easier and it will require just as much imagination for me to tighten the budget as it will for me to find the magical cave of money.

I must note that Nick went SWIMMING in an outdoor pool on January 2nd and 3rd. And today we have freezing rain.

Anonymous said...

My goals are. . . join curves so I can firm up this flab from loosing weight, pray more, re-do both bathrooms, paint Stacia's old room, organize the closets and throw away a lot of stuff! That should be more than I can get done! (Or talk Uncle Danny into doing! hehe)

Anonymous said...

2009 objectives: earn MCPD cert., buy a house, finish the rest of the WoT books that I haven't read, take Kristen out for a fun camping trip, FTA Class of '04 Memorial Day Vacation in Durango...

Whew! That should be enough to get started with.

Anonymous said...

What is an MCPD certification? Should I get one??

And what are the WoT books?? How could there be books that I don't know about?

Kristen said...

I don't think you should get one of those.

a massively long fantasy series that has a huge fan following. I could hook you up with some books if you want to check it out

Anonymous said...

I like goals instead of resolutions. Let's see.......exercise,
eat healthier, exercise, be more organized,exercise, clean out clutter in all areas of the house, exercise, finish painting/re-doing the bathrooms in our house. That should keep me busy........