Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i plug it in, it should work!

Dear QotD?ers,

I was at home for lunch today. i went into work for the morning, but had a meeting across town in the afternoon. it worked out ok, because I got to have leftovers for lunch. Penne and tuna steak with a lemonysauce and feta cheese. i'm surprised at how much I like feta.

While I was across town, I stopped to visit one of my friends who is a new mom. i got to hold bab Stella and her cuteness has advanced her to the title 'my favorite baby!' She is small, but she has loong fingers.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Before Justin finds out the real answer tomorrow, why has my personal computer stopped recognizing keyboards as a valid input device? Funnest answer wins

The Asker


The Minears said...

The keyboard told the mouse that it thought the CPU smelled (haha!) so this is just the CPU getting its revenge.

Tami Parker said...

To debug, you put the keyboard on another computer, where it works perfectly. To your amazement, the keyboard begins to type on its own!

"Kristen. Do not trust the computer. It is evil, and has refused communication with me ever since I refused to join in its plot against you!"

Alarmed, you immediately call Dr. Fandango, but he swears he was in bolivia, training vicious attack capybaras and making poison lollipops.

Realizing the situation was even more dire than you'd feared, you use your underground geek contacts to score yourself a VR suit, which you plug in to the computer and embark upon a journey through the CPU itself.

Along the way, you'll make friends with some cute bits and bytes, find an ally in your World of Warcraft Main Character, and realize that the computer was never the one against you - it was the keyboard who plotted your downfall via carpal tunnel all along!

Unfortunately, you neglected to tell Justin of your plans, and he has been working to get the interface between keyboard and computer working again. If he hooks that malicious keyboard up to your computer, you might be erased!

In a last-minute dash against time, you flee the digital world and manage to stop Justin from connecting the keyboard, but in the process, your VR suit is damaged and never again can you re-enter the digital world.

Sweetie Pie said...

Well I gave your computer some some pies so it might be a littel confused sorry about that.
Sweetie Pie

Kathleen? said...

Too much cosmic,magic dust in your new home....that and the fact that the latitude and longitude are equidistant from from a magnetic force somewhere outside the perimeter of Sweeny. It is truly a miracle that your dishwasher and garage door opener have not mis-aligned themselves.