Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Dear QotD?ers,

I prefer reading paperbacks. Like Sabrina, I like that they are small enough to fit in a small bag/purse. Also, I feel less guilty about the wear and tear that paperbacks get. In addition, I have a plastic device (i call it my mustache) that holds open my paperback books for when I want to do things and read at the same time, like blowdry my hair or brush my teeth (oh yes, I will multitask for reading.) However, Justin likes hardbacks. And that's how we end up with a two copies of an extremely long fantasy series.
Can you tell the paperbacks are well loved?

Did I tell you that I picked a globe for my 5-year workaversary company gift? It arrived today! It's pretty awesome. The globe company is CRAM, so I have a CRAM GLOBE. (picture tomorrow!)

Today's Question of the Day? is:

Do you have or want a globe?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

I have the globe that sat on my grnadfather's desk. It identifies East and West Germany and the USSR. I also have his global pen holder, but the shape is a bit more oval and circular.

Huh. I have things that were once my grandfathers', but I do not have anything from either grandmother. I wonder how that happened.

kathleen said...

Yes, we do have a globe....from the 1970's. Probably from 1978-79 time frame. I refuse to get rid of it.

Woo Hoo! I'm glad you got one. What were some of the other choices?

groovysabrina said...

I had one growing up from 1989. Globes are wonderful.

Tami Parker said...

I prefer maps to globes. Then again, I prefer maps of places that don't exist - someday I'll get a big wall map of Taven (world my husband and I made up, and I shall write novels from someday) that looks all antiqued and pirate-y.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

@ TamiJean,

Oooh! Because I love books with maps in them. And I might also like books about maps, because I have one of those. And I have it because I did not check it out of the library.

Jessim said...

I neither have, nor do I want a globe. They take up much too much space.

I do, however, have a world map on the wall in our spare room. Very handy for when the amazing race is on.

I love maps, but recently gave away a huge pile of them to a co-worker (many old with the USSR still on them, others absurd like "geology of texas") because I'm really trying to get rid of the clutter in my life. I don't think that will ever happen...

Tami Parker said...


One of my favorite books is called The Wildlife of Star Wars. It's a wildlife survey, done with sketches and hand-written notes.

Dunno if it would interest you and the posse, but I adore it. Very Dinotopia-esque.

The Minears said...

No globes, no want for globes. John has some maps that he uses with his flight simulator, they're pretty cool.

Jackie said...

I have an inflatable globe on my desk. It comes in handy quite often.

After borrowing your "The Eye of the World", I know first hand how loved your paperbacks are.

Jackie said...

And ... is that a pink star wand on Justin's shelf?

Kristen said...

Anne, fabulous globes!

Mom, Where does that globe live now, in Matthew's room?

Jackie, inflatable globe? Also good at pool parties!
That's my shelf, so do not be alarmed by the pink wand. That was part of my bachelorette party!