Thursday, March 11, 2010

: D ~lol~

Dear QotD?ers,

Good for all of you! But I am probably not getting enough of either of those vitamins. I like to drink ornage juice (didn't used to), so we should get more of that.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Which of your family members is the jokester? doesn't have to be immediate family!

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

This is an exclusionary question. I am not a jokester. But I can a willing participant.

Now I have to go laugh for about three hours reliving all the jokes this family has tried to pull. I am thinking of the "traps" Jake used to set for Bob. I let a four year old kid dig holes in a gravel drive and cover them with leaves so that his Dad would get trapped on his way in the door. I am a good wife.

Tami Parker said...

Thankfully, I'm not personally acquainted with someone who likes to play practical jokes, as I am unquestionably the most gullible person I've ever met. My aunt, after telling me an obvious and bald lie that I answered with "Really?!" said "NO! Why would you believe that?!" and turned to my mom and equated my trusting expression to that of my three-year-old nephew.

I am on the summer veggie share, to answer your question from yesterday's replies, Miss Asker. The photoblogging of my organic CSA vegetable haul should begin in June, I think. =]

Jackie said...

My dad is definitely the trickster in the family.
He's also 50 today. Woo!

Jackie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mother of Three, Anne said...

@ TamiJean,

Sweetie Pie was responsible for picking out the cake for my mom's 70th birthday, as per my Aunt Sally's request. When we went to pick up the cake, Sweetie Pie pointed to a cake that had a cheetah print design on it and said, "That's our cake, Aunt Sally!!!"

Sally gasped and turned to me and asked, "Did you let her pick a cheetah cake?!?!?!"

Poor Sally! Duped by a seven year old!!

Are you telling me that you, too, would be duped by a small child??

Anonymous said...

Dear The Asker,
Today marks the day of what we villians call spring break. I dont have to answer that question. To TamiJean, Look up. Now down. Watch out behind you! Its gulliblilty helping me set up my freeze ray outside of your window bwahahah. Now if you will all excuse me I must meet up with all the other villians and end up on the nose of Linclon atop Mt. Rushmore not remembering what happened during the week. There aint no party like a supervillain party cause a supervillian party dont stop!
Dr. Fandango, Breaker of the spring

Tami Parker said...

@Anne and Dr. Fandango

I just looked up, down, and then behind me.

Does that answer your question?

Mr. Too Long For Me To Name Smiles said...

Happy Birthday to Jacklyn's Dad! Am I the only one that read Jacklyn's post? Because no one else said Happy B-Day!

kathleen said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Jackie's dad!

My brother James used to be the big jokester!

Happy Spring Break to all who are involved!
May your days be restful......and fun!

Kristen said...

Anne, Wow. I guess such a thing might be expected fo Dr. Fandango.

TamiJean, I'm guessing this was recently ;]

Jackie, you will need to be careful at your wedding. Who knows what he may get up to! (Happy Birthday Jackies' Dad!)

Dr. Fandango, be careful up there, it could lead to a nasty fall!

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, you are such a considerate QotD?er!

Mom, I'm curious what kind of pranks Uncle James would play!!!