Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Dear QotD?ers,

I really don't cut my hair on a schedule. Usually i wait until my bangs are long enough to be bothersome, then i schedule an appointment, which is usually a few weeks in the future.
but here's my husband with his new supershort haircut.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

In what sort of situation might you find yourself barefoot at a baseball game?


The Asker


amanda said...

Hmmm, probably if someone spilled coke on my shoes and made them sticky. Other than that, I can't imagine.

P.S. Justin, I really like your new haircut. I was going through old pictures today and there was a pic of you and Kristen from Lauren's wedding in which you are making almost the exact same face!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I think the question is really under what conditions would I find myself at a baseball game!

I find myself in barefooted conditions all the time. It is hard to convince me that shoes are good. Barefeet are happy feet. My one and only detention was the result of this philosophy, in which case I was told barefeet are a danger and not allowed and go to the principal's office.

kathleen said...

Cool haircut Justin! But
by your facial expression, are you happy with it? :) :( :/

Maybe if someone spilt beer on them?
Maybe if they were not supposed to get wet and it was raining?

Jeannie said...

Oh,Justin your hair will grow. What about some gel?
I, too love to go barefoot, but not in public places!

Tami Parker said...

I can't tell if the haircut is good or if it's just Justin's awesome spilling over to encompass his scalp.

Justin has a lot of awesome to spare.

Baseball - I would go to a baseball game for research for a book I was writing if my characters went to one. =]

AggieEngineer2k the Shorthaired said...

8th Inning Barefoot Race for the T-Shirt
Fans line up along each dugout and race to catch a t-shirt launched from one of those cannon/slingshot things. T-Shirt has two tickets to the next game in it!

@Ya'll... That pic's me thinking "Oh come on now, it's not that short". I like it short. Much better than that shaggy moppy-headed miscreant look that's so "in" now.

groovysabrina said...

I have to go with raining, it's the only time I might be tempted.

Is anyone out there into this barefoot running movement? I would like to meet someone who is. Maybe even try it one day.

Sweetie Pie said...

well... only if i get all crazy about it.

Sweetie Pie

Tami Parker said...


I don't know if I'm "in the movement" or not, but I bought some Vibram FiveFingers and have been able to run again for the first time in almost a year. =]

Feel free to toss me an email ( if you'd like to talk about them. ^_^

Kristen said...

Amanda, sticky shoes! oh noes!

Anne, Under what conditions would you find yourself at a baseball game?!

Mom, oh, he looooves it.


Sabrina, excellent situation determination.

Sweetie Pie, ALL CRAZY!