Monday, March 15, 2010


Dear QotD?ers,

Oh yes I do like puzzles. I like jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles. I like to race Dad in Sunday Morning Paper Sudoku. The grid-style logic puzzles might be my favorite.

Today we determined that Justin has seen almost all episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. maybe just 1 or 2 that he hasn't seen. (psst, that's more hours than I've watched of America's Next Top Model.) Then, at the grocery store, I saw orange cauliflower and purple cauliflower. I did not know those existed, but they looked very odd.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is the most unusual thing you saw today?
Having trouble because you live a mundane life? What is the most unusual thing that an alien entity, who was spying on you, saw today?

The Asker


Anonymous said...

Someone eating a mound of raw ground beef with a raw egg on top. I'll tell you, I haven't quite figured out these French people.


Jackie said...

Not hitting snooze this morning!

kathleen said...

An alien might wonder why there are 4 garbage bags(with stuff)in the living room. Heck, I am wondering what happened.

Wait, now I remember....Matthew cleaned out his closet and dresser drawers. Some of the bags are clothes, some are just trash. I'll let you figure out the combination. Trash is going out today and the clothes are going to OutReach today.
Very productive spring cleaning!
Yikes! That sounds gross and does not sound all!

Jeannie said...

Well, since we are in the end stages of cleaning out the garage, seeing the garage, large enough and clean enough to hold two cars again! It has been a while, as our garage seems to be the holding vessel for many peoples stuff as they move away from home, back again, away again!
Justin, may be bring the work bench over tonight? Please let give me a call.
Mike, enjoy your time in Europe! What a treat for your whole family.

Tami Parker said...

The coffee pot was empty and there were no leftover coffees* in the fridge this morning.


...okay, maybe that's only strange and alarming to me. An alien would be unfazed.

It' middle of march and all the snow has already melted here? That's pretty bizarre, though I suppose you Texas folks don't fully grasp the awesomeness of this year's early spring.

Maybe I'll encounter something truly odd as the day goes on. I haven't encountered much of anything yet today. Less than normal, even, seeing as how I have NO COFFEE! (this is a tragedy, I'm tellin' ya)

* (If it's time to make a new pot but there's still some lukewarm coffee in the pot, we fridge it for emergency cold coffee drinking. Some folks make coffee-ice-cubes out of it, so when they have cold coffee, the coffee cubes don't dilute the coffee)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

A coffeeless morning is worse than a cold shower morning! You have my greatest sympathies, TamiJean.

I have been waiting for my day to produce an odd sighting. But the rain has that lulling effect and everyone remains sound asleep. And Ford's muddy footprints are hardly unexpected on a morning like this.

Where was Mike at 2:05 this morning that he saw a Frenchman eating raw meat??

Kristen said...

Mike, UG!

Jackie, you must have gotten some restful sleep last night!

Mom, they are in the middle of the living room? I assume they are staged for today's departure, not part of a temporary art instillation titled 'Son's Old Stuff'

2nd Mom, that garage can have 2 cars? I'm never a good judge of garage space.

TamiJean, that's so resourceful of your job site, coffee cubes for ice coffee. It sounds terrible though, says the non-coffee drinker.

Anne, I'm sure something will happen. Mike was in.... FRANCE! for real!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Wait! Gwyneth is turning seven, which must mean Alyssa is turning five, which must mean she will start kindergarten in the fall! Is that right??

And Mike is in France with all those girls eating steak tartare??

Kristen said...

Anne, yes! and yes! and yes!
and.. no. I don't think they are eating the pile of raw protein themselves ~shudders~

Sweetie Pie said...

Asker, I don't get what you are saying.

Kristen said...

Sweetie Pie, something unusual could be anything, like Dr. Fandango and Mr. SuperHappySunshineSMiles going out for ice cream together. But for those of us didn't really see anything strange, i offer some creativity. Surely any alien that was spying on us would be very confused by most of what we do and it would be unusual to them!

Anonymous said...

yes we are I'm Paris. I'm checking my email and looking up the weather etc in the morning. That is why my time posted showed 2am. And no, I'm not feeding my girls any sort of uncooked meat.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

@ Mike,

I was clear on the whole steak tartare issue, so ignore my poking fun at your expense.

Honestly, I am much, much more amazed that you and Vanessa are traveling the world with a five and seven year old. That is amazingly difficult to do, as it is tiring and out of the routine, something most children find difficult. Great experience and lots of fun, but very tiring. Big hugs and kudos to all!!