Thursday, March 18, 2010


Dear QotD?ers,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETIE PIE! I hope you all have some delicious cake!

Other than the green clothes and the green pastachios? I harassed co-workers about not wearing green and had baked potatoes with green brocolli for dinner.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What wakes you up every morning? be sure to include a description of the alarm noise for added fun!

The Asker


kathleen said...

My alarm clock wakes me up most mornings. It's a radio/alarm clock so it plays country music or 'oldies' music(depending on the station I put it on the night before)
This week being spring break, I have not set the alarm but have been waking up about 6:15 and I usually get up.
Today is Friday. Spring break is almost over! :(

Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie! Enjoy the day!

Tami Parker said...

Happy Birthday, Sweetie Pie!

My alarm wakes me up in two ways.

1) the "white noise" that it plays all night stops (ocean or thunderstorm)
2) the alarm goes THREEP! THREEP! THREEP!

On the weekends, those things happen but I turn the alarm off and go back to sleep. On those days, it's usually the cat (banished from the bedroom for the crime of having dander, which I am allergic to and thus don't want on my pillow) laying outside the bedroom door, one arm thrust under the wood of the door and waving wildly, claws outstretched while he imperiously MEOW! MEOW!s until I wake up and cuddle with him. Cat alarm goes off at 8am sharp.

Jessim said...

The alarm goes off at 6:00 and is all kinds of different music because our radio can't hold a station. So then Kevin gets up to shower, and I stay asleep.

Then, around 6:20 the dog might impatiently come in because she wants to go out, and knows someone is awake, so her nails tapping on the flooring will wake me up; OR Kevin turning off the light in the bathroom alerts me to the fact that I have to wake up now too- and that's usually around 6:30.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Birthday Joy!! Happy Aging! Presents and cake!! Hooray! Hooray!!

My alarm can be my phone, a clock radio or an alarm clock. It really does not matter. My internal clock starts releasing me from sleep about 4:00am and any noise around 4:30 will let me know that I need to get up. Ford is the only one that is also alert to any noise at the time, and as soon as he hears it, he knows I am sure to follow.

On weekends, I will still wake around 4am, but usually lay in bed with my eyes closed, but not quite asleep, until about 6:00. No alarms necessary. Ford waits patiently for me.

Anonymous said...

Very productive Spring Break!!! Our alarm is our TV, coming on with a loud high pitched, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep for 10 seconds and then switches to the local ABC News channel. The breaking dawn usually wakes me up, but with this change of time, I am now an hour off! Ugh
Happy Birthday, Sweetie Pie..which birthday is this one?

Jeannie said...

Sorry, using the laptop today and clicked too fast. I am anonymous.

Sweetie Pie said...

Asker, I did get a delicious cake!!!!!
Thanks Kathleen, I will enjoy today!!!
Thanks TamiJean!!!
Thank you Mother of Three, Anne!!!
Jeannie, this is my 8th Birthday!!!
I don't have an alarm to wake me up,my mom wakes me up!!
Sweetie Pie

Anonymous said...

Dear The Asker,
Seeing as I dont have a "real" job (that being debatable as it is), a family, or any type of freinds besides other villians and industrial workers; I have no real need for an alarm clock. Plus the sound of alarms generates similar emotions for me as bells do for Poe. I get the urge to write a poem using alarm 57 times. (For those of you with less literary knowledge than me, I am refering to "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe). On a different note, Bah! Birthdays! Those are for the people that suffer from excipiolectumosis! The last time I tried to celebrate a birthday the cake got strewn to the floor when batman crashed through the window. Bahumbug!!
Dr. Fandango, Knower of Poems

Sweetie Pie said...

Thank you all for saying happy bithday to me! That was very considerate of you! @ Dr. Fandango, everyone has bithdays! I mean (ha) you paited ny room yellow!Oh why did you do that anyway?
Love Sweetie Pie

Kristen said...

Mom, 6:15? naturally? I wish I had gotten this gene from you. It would be nice to wake up early and not feel terrible

TamiJean, I love the MEOW MEOW alarm and would like one of my own.

Skittl, I, too, usually get up when my husband is done with the shower.

Anne, I will reiterate that your internal alarm astounds me.

2nd Mom, you've got your tv to be your alarm? That's not too bad! the news to trick you into paying attention and using your brain will wake you up!

Sweetie Pie, I'm glad you got that cake! Moms are a really great 'alarm' substitute. So much gentler, yet persistant.

Dr. Fandango, I believe everyone here would be interested in your poetry. The next time you hear an alarm, we will be a happy audience for you!
HA! Sweetie Pie has called your out for your thoughtfullness!!!!!