Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Famous people and meeting with them

Dear QotD?ers,

man o man! Let me tell you about the unusual things I saw today!
oh wait, today was a regular sort of day. I guess it was sort of unusual that I saw dinner guests at our house (Justins Mom (Jeannie) & Dad). But for something truely bizzare? I'd have to look at the purple cauliflour yesterday.

That is some seriously unusual colored vegitables.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

If you could go to some huge Hollywood party or a small, intimate gathering of famous people, what would the event be for and who would you hope to meet?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

I'll take famous people in an intimate gathering, please.

I would really like to be at a dinner with some scientists, so I am stretching the bounds of famous for this. A spatterings of Nobel laureates would be fun. Kornberg, Chauvin, Cech, Bishop and Gilman I think would be good.

Tami Parker said...

Small intimate gathering for me, as well, please! I'd like to meet Garth Brooks, Patrick Stewart, Dame Judi Dench, Wil Wheaton, Spider Robinson, and Tom Hanks. The event would be for ... um ...some totally not selfish reason, like Cattle, Not Cancer where we'd do the City Slickers cowboy thing to raise money for charity.

Ens. AggieEngineer2k said...

I'll say Hollywood party, but only if it's Avatar or Star Trek themed.

By themed I mean transforming a huge space into a full immersion experience, where we could actually live in Pandora for a night or be a Starfleet Ensign for a shift or two. LARP mandatory.

Mr. Moore said...

I'd really like to come up with some smart, funny reply for my first comment, but I think I'd really to attend Tami's party and invite a few more folks.

How about Hugh Laurie, William Shatner, Brent Spiner and Nathon Fillon?

kathleen said...

Small intimate party(50 or less people)...A fund raiser of some sort.
The writers, directors, and cast from LOST. Boy, have I got questions for them!

Kristen said...

Anne, Um, I dont keep up with my Nobel laureates. That would be a super interesting dinner though!

TamiJean, I love your odd collection of peoples! and Tom Hanks even made it!

Husband, OMG, you'd be tugging straight your sweatshirt all over that experience!

Mr. Moore, welcome! I'm so glad you've come to join us. It's also good to see that you and Hugh Laurie would support Cattle, Not Cancer :]

Mom, INVITE ME! and if we don't get the answers we want, we can hold them hostage!