Monday, March 22, 2010

prepping for the fools

Dear QotD?ers,

Once, while doing a street clean up in HS, we found a live mouse in a glass bottle.

Next week is April 1st. You might remember that last year I played an April Fool's prank on you, QotD?ers. And some of you fell for it, much to my delight! Sorry for the heartache it caused you. Anyway, I want you to be in on my prank this year.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What would be an awesome April Fool's prank for me to play this year?

Notes: the only person I live with is also a QotD?er. Enough of my immediate family reads this that I wouldn't be able to fool them, though I could make them accomplices. don't suggest anything for work that would get me in trouble. Facebook prank suggestions are welcome.

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

I am not a prankster. My family will all tell you that my face gives me away immediately. I cannot even call a child forth in an angry and intimidating way without being greeted with, "Does Dad want to show me something fun again?"

But if no other contributions are made from my home, I do have the resources to help you on this.

My home is industrial. It seems to be part recording studio, part art studio, part repair shop, a continually beleaguered laundrymat, and a kitchen.

Hmmmm..I have the fourth book, but did not find a copy of the third book at HalfPrice Books. I am always timid about borrowing books, because I find that when I lend books out, very few get returned, and I hate that. I don't ever want to be that person that you curse when you are looking for your book and it is not there!!

Tami Parker said...

I, too, am not a prankster. I've actually had the owner of the company I currently work for warn me against ever trying to play poker (Ha! More the fool he. I don't know the RULES to poker, and I have won hands with apparently incredible card combinations simply because I had no idea my hand was any good. Ignorance: Defeating skill for CENTURIES.)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Hmm...I cannot link the site, so I will attempt a different approach. has many ideas for food pranks that you might like. I like the idea Fauxberry Pie.

TNG fanboi AggieEngineer2k said...

Three words:

Okay, four:

Anonymous said...

Dear The Asker,
Tsk tsk tsk I am dissapointed. You should know that as an evil villian I am the greatest prankster. The pie on a spring in a box is always the best. Wearing the scary mask. Funny glasses with eyebrows, a nose, and a mustache attached. The immortal whoopie cushion! Ohhh that has brought some good laughs. Giving children carrots that are shaped like candy corn. Putting laxati- oh, you said wouldnt get you get you in trouble. Well if you want the all time best prank go to youtube and seach for "japanese prank".(Should be the first one you see) Those japanese sure know how to do a prank.
Dr. Fandango, Knower of stuff

Kristen said...

Anne, we have two copies of these books, so I would not curse you.

TamiJean, congratulations!

Anne, I will check this out.

Husband, only if you'll help with photoshop.

Dr. Fandango, I'm not sure if I could get a large crowd of people to run at someone...