Tuesday, March 9, 2010

short with distinct personalities.

Dear QotD?ers,

I would paraglide. Being untethered in the open sky is terrifying. but attach me to a lanyard and I'm good to go!
Since ComCast has cut off our Mighty Boosh supply, we've gotten the first disc of the first season on Netflix. The Zoo is alright, but I think I still like the Nabootique better

Today's Question of the day? is:
Which is your favorite of Disney's Seven Dwarves?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...


This story is for Kathleen..

Nick got in the car yesterday and mentioned that one of his teachers was going to name their forthcoming baby a wierd name. "It will be a girl, but the name sounds like a boy's name and is really odd. I think it starts with an H or an R."

There was a flurry of names proposed before I offered the name Horatio. ( I clearly pronounced it Her more than Hor in the first syllable.)

"Okay, Mom. That is just dumb. Who is going to name thier kid a math thing? 'Hmmm. I think I will name my kid RATIO!'"


Jake and I then had fun with other mathy names...Herproportiono.

kathleen said...

Right now........I'm thinking Sleepy! I so want to go back to bed and sleep.

@ Anne...
Gotta love it!
Math names...I'm going to work on a list!

Reminds me of the one of my friends saying that her little girl came home and had made a new friend at school. When mom asked her what her name was, her daughter could not remember...but it was something like....Dirt.

Mom eventually found out the little girl's name was....

Tami Parker said...

I don't think I was smart enough to recognize "ratio" as a math term until high school. If then. Also, "Horatio" is an awesome name and I totally need to gank it for a character in a story.

ROXANNE?! *laughs* Okay, that's awesome.

That may be true, but the Zoo has The Hitcher, which is one of the best episodes. "Trevor Robinson - A Shire horse with over 37 unpaid parking tickets, and evil hooves."

Dopey was my favorite dwarf. So shy and sweet, yet choosing not to speak.

Kristen said...

Man, another day of low turnout. What is it about this week? You've all chosen differently and therefor win!