Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,

Our home is vacuumed! and we have cookies! I am very tired. Only two more days of work and then it's a 4 day weekend. I'm very excited about that.
We had lunch outside today. It was incredibly pleasant, almost like we are getting our first taste of fall.

I'm going to pick stripes. I really like monochrome stripes. I'd still like to paint stripes in our bedroom.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Would you rather sweep and mop or vacuum?

The Asker


The Minears said...

I have wood floors in this house, so sweeping and mopping is the only choice for me. I use a Swiffer SweeperVac and a Swiffer WetJet to make things easier, though. Annelise thinks the vacuum is trying to compete against her in a volume competition whenever we vacuum the one rug in our house.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Sweep and mop. The house looks, smells and feels cleaner to me when it has been swept and mopped in the appropriate rooms. It only looks cleaner after vacuuming. AND...Ford gets very freaked by the vacuum, but amazingly I get a volutneer to sit and cuddle with him while I vaccum.

Quite confused about monochrome stripes, although I guess it could mean just one stripe color against a solid background.

groovysabrina said...

Vacuuming is easier, that's for sure.

But I think sweeping and mopping gets things cleaner.

Can I vote for getting some housecleaning help?

Jeannie said...

I need to try that Swiffer WetJet and SweeperVac. I have heard good things about them. Sweeping and mopping gets things cleaner, vacuuming gets things picked up in a hurry!

Tami Parker said...

I'd rather vacuum, but mopping is one of my chores.

Also, you only THINK you want to paint stripes. Having painted a room myself, I can assure you that it's enough of a pain just to get the whole wall done without worrying about edges!

That sort of thing is what wallpaper's for. ^_^

(Also, omg, so much love for looking through wallpaper books. Anyone else love doing that?)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

@Groovy Sabrina,

WHAT? Household help?

What has happened to South America? I remember the days when an average home had a live-in maid, a gardener, a washing and ironing lady, and a cook.

Painting is not the funnest way to spend you weekend, so I agree that adding to that task with creativity would be low on my list.

I prefer to look at fabric samples over wallpaper samples, but it the the same thing, really.

Jessim said...


When I was little I LOVED to mop, but now I don't think we even own one.

Jackie said...

I would much rather vacuum.

groovysabrina said...

Yes, Anne, you are exactly right. A typical family compound will have all of those servants. Ah, and don't forget the nanny. We, on the other hand, are not a typical family compound. Our little apt isn't that much work to clean, though. Previously, I never considered the need for household help. Now, I see its merits!

kathleen said...

Either sweep or vacuum. I don't like to mop.