Thursday, July 31, 2008


Dear QotD?ers,
My uncle had a stroke yesterday. It was very unexpected and the doctors have not yet found a cause. Thankfully he is doing well, all things considered. He was in good spirits and able to move his fingers and toes. Please keep him, his fiance, and the rest of my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What was the last time you were in a hospital?
The Asker


Kristen said...

We haven't yet been to see my uncle, so the last time I can remember was 3 1/2 years ago when my niece was born. That was also the same day we bought my wedding dress.

Anonymous said...

Does that count? Just a visit to the hospital? Not your own personal admission into one?

My last personal admission into a hospital was six years ago when Jessica was born. I did not buy a wedding dress that day.

Bob had the inside of his head scraped out about a year later and I was there for that. He had a deviated septum that had essentially closed and solidified his nasal cavity with years of gross snot. I did not buy a wedding dress that day either.

Was that your mom's brother, or your dad's?

Kristen said...

I'm sorry to hear about Bob's snot cement problem, but am glad they got it all out.

It's my mom's youngest brother.

Kristen said...

Correction: the last time I was in a hospital was maybe a year ago. I got an MRI to investigate the source of my chronic headaches.

jennifercaitlin said...

umm.... when i thought i had a spider bite and it turned out to be a staph infection.


Anonymous said...

4+ yr when Nana had a broken hip/femur? Old people + drugs = like woah...

I'm up for a trip to Schlenburg to see your Granny and/or a trip to Austin to see Mark. 3-day weekend FTW. Whatever your family needs.

Today's captcha is awesome: jknrzeek (`jik-nur'ZEEK) v. To just kid with someone, but not really, and then loudly exclaim ZEEK!

Anonymous said...

MRI? Chronic headache? Old people on drugs? Spider bite staph infection? Cemented snot?

Well, you have just opened an ugly door.

Is your Mom going down to visit her brother? I hope he recovers nicely and then gets plenty of exercise for many, many, many years.

Bob quit snoring once he had the cemented snot removed from his head. I was glad for that.

Look how thoughtful your husband is! But his captchas are confusing.

alicia said...

i believe the last time i was in the hospital was when my niece was born, also! she is 16 months old, so that wasn't very long ago. i was the first person to hold her when we were allowed to go in and see her (it was 9:15 am and my parents hadn't even made it to the hospital yet. jenna was only there 45 minutes before kennedy was born). that's a happy event to go to the hospital for.

i'm really sorry about your uncle. i know that can be really scary and i will definitely be praying for him. keep us posted!