Friday, July 4, 2008


Today is the first official day of QotD? All across America today, there were be fantastic firework shows coinciding with the Grand Re-Opening! Thanks America!

Because QotD? is trying out a different format, I've created an FAQ that may help you any questions you have. Please peruse at your leasure. The link is just under the Question of the Day? heading in the blue bar. There is also a link to a 'Meet some QotD?ers' post which I'm hoping to keep updated as a regular feature.

I'm very excited to be starting up again.

Imagine that you have become leader of a new, independent country

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Where is it, what is it called, what are the country's official flower/bird/food/pastime or whatever?
For those interested in additional challenge, write lyrics for the national anthem.
The Asker
P.S. for those in America, Happy Independence Day! for those Americans in Brazil, Happy 4th of July!


Anonymous said...

In my country, called Freedemocralibertiland, or Freedland for short, would be like a city upon a hill stretching from sea to shining sea. We would officiate the senses:

The official sight would be that of our colors, the shades of Life-red, Liberty-white, and pursuit-of-happiness-blue

The official smell would be the sweet smell of Democracy.

The official taste would be the taste of Freedom.

The official sound would be the clear ringing of Liberty.

And the official feeling would be the feeling of equality for all mankind.

*NOTE: Our National anthem would be our national sound until we hire someone to write a new one.

Unknown said...

My new country, the strict dictatorship of Ketavsalot is located on a new found island between Cuba and Florida. The Island is a mere 400 square kilometers oddly enough in the shape of a perfect square (aligned with each face facing a cardinal direction). I recently covered the island in warehouses with my mansion resting in the center 30 feet above everything else. I have a crew of 20 slaves to tend to my every need including making pudding at 3 in the morning. As for the warehouses; The country of Ketavsalot is also a business. What kind of business you ask? Dirty, secret business. The stuff no one knows about. You want some Cuban cigars? I'll get them to you for cheaper than you could by them in Cuba. You want 8 cubic meters of elephant blood? No problem. Ketavsalot has a population of 400 humans, 30 of whom are free men and are in control of the other 370. The national pastime is working 85 hours a week. The official bird is the Hawk; If you don't work fast enough a hawk will be sent to gouge your eyes out. The official food is rice. not cooked. That makes it cheap and easy to feed the slaves.
Recent surveys conducted by Supreme Leader Matt show that every resident of Ketavsalot is the most happy they have been in their entire life. The residents are overjoyed with the plentiful food rations and generous breaks from work. They have even grown to like the thought of not showering.

So as you can see, not only is my Country new, it is home to the happiest people on earth.

Thank you,
Supreme Leader Matt

groovysabrina said...

Wow, Kristen, this is a tough one.

The Village of Friends
Settlement will begin with all the people I have known who I wish were near me every day. Personal invitations required, kind of like how Gmail started.

national flower: daisy, which will be distributed to each household daily (no one can be unhappy with a bouquet of fresh daisies!)

national bird: toucan (and not the froot loops kind)

national food: nutella, milk and honey

national pastime: trivial pursuit and cranium

national anthem: Imagine, by John Lennon

p.s. I hope someone out there is enjoying a hardy American hot dog today fresh off the grill with lots of mustard and ketchup.

jennifercaitlin said...

jensbetterthanmikeya is the name of my country, our flower is the white rose, our food is sushi, and our colors are blue and white.

our smell is the smell of victory, our taste is classy, our sound is the lamentations of mike during his daily beat down, and our feeling is love that he lets us do that.

i am, of course, making it all of these things because he is sitting right next to me. i'm also trying to get him to answer questions now, too.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

When I was in 9th grade, we had to create a country for a project. Ours was called Helland, like Holland but only different. And it was pretty much where Brazil is, and had a similar flag. We were a great nuclear power, and we were very warlike. We had a fanfare as a national anthem, and I really wish I could sing it for you, but I'll just type out the words istead. Yes, I actually remember this.

The Helland National Anthem
Helland, our Helland, our glorious Helland. We will hold strong and true to our country, and we love it.

There was a trill on the "we", and we sang it.

I didn't make any of that up.

Anonymous said...

Very clever! Ketavsalot.
The name of my country would be......
Mathopia. Colors: red, white, and blue. All people, all ages would be very adapt at slow learners. All classes in Math would be at advanced levels.
This country would really be a very large island, but transportation to any part of the world would be very sophisticated and available and cheap.
The people/families would take great pride in their country, their economy, their environment, etc. and be some of the the most benevolenet people in the world.
National Flower: Lantana
National Meat: Grilled Chicken/Brown Rice
National Vegetable: Broccoli
National Dessert: Fruit with Cream
National Pastime: Sudoku and Logic Problems
National Dance: Electric Slide(rule)
National Birds: RedBird, White Dove, and BlueBird
National Anthem:"It's Easy as 1,2,3"

Unknown said...

National Dance: Electric Slide(rule)

I cracked up.