Thursday, July 17, 2008

in a rut/ I'm craaaAaaAzy

Dear QotD?ers,

Either I didn't set my alarm last night or I turned it off without waking up this morning. I managed to get ready, enough to ride the van at least, in 7 minutes. I'm impressed with myself.

In other news, I'm wearing my surfing monkey socks. I don't anticipate anything to exciting today so I don't know what else to share with you.

oh! I can give you an update on the almond situation. A week or two ago I reported that one serving of almonds was 8 almonds. What the package was actually telling me was that a serving is 1/4 cup of almonds, and that there are 8 servings in the package. But I've started eating almonds in batches of 8 anyway.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are you allergic to?
The Asker


Kristen said...

I am allergic to pollen, weeds, hay, trees, dogs and cats.

This is what I learned from a skin prick test.

Good news: I am not allergic to cockroaches. Did you even know they tested for that? they do.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to cats. Also, I always sneeze after eating dark chocolate. It's the weirdest thing. *shrug*

Today's captcha: nwbwoqm
Anagram: (n/a) hard to do with only one vowel...

Anonymous said...

I have heard that cockroach allergies are very life threatening. hmmmm....

Skin prick tests...hmmmm...are they going to suggest that you do allergy shots?...hmmmm....

Bob tested positive for allergies to bananas, squash, dogs. trees, eggs, pollen, life and retarded allergists!!

Jacob, Nick and I are allergic to cats and lots of yuck in the air. Nick can have his allergies go to asthma. Jessica is allergic to yuck in the air, but is our only family member who is NOT allergic to cats. And she loves the cats!! The kids and I have not officially had our allergies named because we will not do skin tests.

Mr. Ken loved Natl Palestinian Radio. He asked me who I knew that was so smart and funny. Everyone I know is smart and funny! But thanks to my friend's daughter's husband's brother for the use of your wit!!

jennifercaitlin said...

real christmas trees.

i thought i was going to die the one year we had one.


it was horrible.

Anonymous said... not sure. Things, obviously. Quite possibly Wisconsin, since it was only after I moved that I started showing symptoms.

But I have a nasal spray and tiny white pills to prove that I'm allergic to SOMETHING.

Probably dust mites. Which is awesome, since they're everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm allergic to anything.

Anonymous said...

Brazil: It gives me the runs. We're all friends here, right?

Bad company: it causes fatigue, distraction, mild to severe headaches, and dry mouth (in an effort to leave "for a drink")

Other than that, I'm not sure I have any allergies. I need someone to prick my skin to see what turns me red and puffy.

HA! I'm glad Mr. Ken thought it was funny, Anne. Use my wit at will, it's freeware.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I am allergic to anything.........except housework!

Anonymous said...

haha, ALMONDS! those and coconuts.

alicia said...

allergic to penicillin, sulfa, and something that grows on the A&M campus. i'm not sure what it is, but i always get really sick when it blooms every year.