Thursday, July 10, 2008

Princess by Vera Wang

Dear QotD?ers,

Last night I made ps'mores (psuedo s'mores). They are incredibly messy, but mostly delicious.
1) melt chocolate chips
2) dip one side of a graham craker square in melted chocolate
3) make a bunch of those and put them in the freezer for the chocolate to set
4) take them out and smear marshmallow fluff on the chocolate side
5) take an unsmeared square and sandwhich the fluff
CAUTION: chocolate and marshmallow fluff will ooze
CAUTION: chocolate is likely to get underneath fingernails making it look like you have a hygene problem, but you don't, you just have delicious fingernails

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Did you have a childhood blanket or stuffed animal that you loved so much? Do you still have it?
The Asker
P.S. I am ready for the second invasion of Indian music into American mainstream.


Kristen said...

I had a baby blanket that my mom made. It was pastel gingham squares with pillowed shapes in the squares. Shapes like a heart, an ice cream cone, the letter A upsidedown. Recently I found out that my letter A was really a bird (chick?) where the wing was shown as a cut-out. I still have it, though I have to curl up small to fit underneath it.

I also had something I called "chicky poo-poo" when I was real small. I think I recieved it when I got tubes in my ears. It was a chick in a small whicker basket. When I shook it up and down it would make noise because it had a giggle box(?) inside. Those things that make a "wigga-wugga" sound when you shake them? Maybe someone else knows what I'm talking about and has a better name for it... I do not have chicky poo-poo anymore.

Wait a minute, Mom, did I really call it chicky poo-poo? Because that's what Princess A. said that one time and then Justin and I named our guitar hero 'band' chicky poo-poo.

Anonymous said...

Bob says that I was never really a kid and that is why I am a boring adult. I do not remember any stuffed animal or blanket that was special. Jacob had Flopsy and Larry and they still sit on his headboard. Nick had Bear, and Ford now cuddles with him. Jessica has Ford.

mmnevill said...

I had a pink blanket with satin edges. I called it my snake. I still have my snake, although it is torn into one long strand and is now dishwater grey with no satin. Addie has three flannel "bank-ees" that are currently interchangeable as her favorite, but I'm sure she'll pick one soon.

Anonymous said...

i had the cutest yellow baby blanket with a duck wearing a green hat on it, and i took it EVERYWHERE. (even college. i didn't care)

then one day my cat got sick and i wrapped him up to take him to the vet in it, and after two weeks there was nothing to do for him but put him to sleep, so they cremated him WITH my blanket.


i had a back up, not quite as awesome, blanket that i still have, so i'm not TOO sad about it.
(the blanket, not the cat)

and i'm glad that kitty fizzle (didn't name him) had a comfortable blanket for the whole ordeal.

Anonymous said...

mmm, s'mores

When was the first invasion of Indian music?

My mother may correct me, but I don't remember having any such thing. I did receive a handmade quilt when I graduated high school and that goes everywhere with me.

Stacy said...

I don't remember having a blanket but I did have a stuffed Little Foot doll from Land Before Time

amanda said...

i had two baby blankets. one was pink and one was yellow (with a duck as well, although i don't know what color hat he was wearing, i'll have to check next time i am at my mom's house!). AND i also had a pallet for my naps that was a large quilt that was white with little pink and green flowers. ah, how i miss those days!

and kristen, what is the title for? shouldn't there be a picture of a dress or something?

groovysabrina said...

Well, I have to say that I was always a non-committal owner of baby blankets and stuffed animals. In fact, a bunch of pillows will do quite well in making me feel warm and fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a Pound Puppy named Major because the lady doctor on-base who examined my broken leg was called "Major." I also had a My Pet Monster named Rark or something.

I'm ready for anything that would make rap/hip-hop go away. But please not tejano...

Anonymous said...

I don't remember having a blanket or stuffed animal, but my mom saved a blanket that my grandmother made for me. It is faded and very worn......
She gave it to me once I became a mom.
I don't remember anything about a chicky poo-poo...only Princess A.
and how we laughed and laughed and how she thought it was sooooooo
very funny!

Anonymous said...

i used to carry around a slip that i got hold of and wouldn't give it up for anything. i still have my bear, Chandler, and slept with him next to me last night in fact! :)

alicia said...

i don't have any object that i loved from the time i was a baby. i had a big sister... well, she was 19 months old when i was born, so "big" is a relative term... in fact, "big sister" is still a relative term since she is all of 5'2". and yes, i DO still have my sister.

but, when i was about 7 my dad gave me a pink bear wearing a pink plaid flannel bowtie, and i was very attached to that for a long while. i know it's at my parents' house somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I have a plushy Godzilla from when we were little. He is still with me. I also have a musical panda somewhere...