Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand

Dear QotD?ers,

Did Duran Duran know that the Rio Grande was not that glamorous of a river?

Last night at yoga class, we were working on a pretty intense progression of poses. Halfway through class time I started getting really hot and sweating more than usual at class. I assumed that I was 1) working much harder 2) possibly experiencing a return of my fever. The reason it was getting so hot was actually a combination of 1) and 3) the air conditioner stopped working. So, thank goodness I didn't have a fever but GOOD HEAVENS it was hot in there. It was actually cooler outside, in Texas.

Imagine that you and your boss are going to a meeting requiring a one hour road trip. You will be driving

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What station would you play on the radio?
Your favorite questioner,
The Asker


Kristen said...


I'd probably put on NPR for either news or classical. I wouldn't want to risk making him uncomfortable with that rock n' roll music and I'm not a big fan of country or Christian rock.

Anonymous said...

AM news radio would be safe, and good for sparking intelligent conversation. Plus you'd get traffic info, which would help to avoid sitting in the car any longer that is necessary.

Today's captcha: noiap
Anagram: piano

Anonymous said...

Gosh...which boss should I choose?

If I choose Mr. Ken, the answer would be either some talk radio program or a classical station. I never listen to talk radio, so I would have no preference. I could only put on NPR if CarTalk is on, otherwise I will risk death at the hands of a man driven insane by liberally-biased new reporting, and none of us want that.

If I choose Bob, the boss, the answer would be the scan button. Bob and I like to play the scan button and see who can name the song and artist first as you run up the dial. But an hour of that would be tedious. At that point we may go to a classic rock station. I think Bob listens to a lot of talk radio as well, so again, I might opt for that.

Tami Parker said...

An hour road trip. That would be very ick. But since he's the boss, it would be whatever he puts on the radio. I'm not picky, and I don't imagine he'd have it on the hip hop station.

Anonymous said...

Whups, that Egotistical Priest comment was me. Hit the button before I remembered to change the login type.

Kristen said...

Mother of three, Anne,

I rock at the scan button game. I impressed many road trip friends by being the first to recognize songs every time (with the exception of country, R&B/Rap, christian stations).

jennifercaitlin said...

definitely an AM station, lawyers are very dry sorts, although the one lawyer LOVES classic rock.

so hopefully i'll get put in his car instead of the other ones.

Anonymous said...

The Asker,

Well then, you should be pitted against Mr. Derrick White. He excels at the game in almost all genres. He is amazing and fun.

I am not successful at the game. I fail to retain knowledge like names and titles. My input is along the lines of, "This is that song that Becky liked."

Anonymous said...

I don't have a car so me and the boss are taking Greyhound. Problem solved.

But, when I had a car, I made a rule that driver never picks the station for safety's sake. Driving changing a dial is dangerous, folks!

Another option is to be sly and hand him/her a book of CD's and tell him/her to pick one. Even better! Tell him/her to bring CDs for the trip. If he's my boss, I'll suffer with whatever he brings.

But, if I HAD to answer this question, it'd depend on where I lived. AM news radio is only safe in TX and only NPR is safe in DC. How am I going to choose between NeoCon News and Natl Palestinian Radio if I've never talked politics with the boss?? Too much risk! MAN, I'm glad I work for myself.

Maybe I'd pop in a Bob Seger cd. Who doesn't love Bob Seger?

Anonymous said...

I would put it on a country station just to annoy him.

Anonymous said...

Natl Palestinian Radio! Well, that is just hilarious!! I will have to share that with boss Mr. Ken. He will enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

I'd go safe and play classical

Anonymous said...

I think the "Rio" mentioned is
Rio de Janero(sp?)