Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The After Lunch Edition

Dear QotD?ers,

I did it again. I forget all about you when I have the opportunity to sleep in. I'm sorry, but it will probably happen on a regular basis. But I WILL try to get QotD? to you every weekday.

What sort of magic tattoo would I get? A big bold Pi on my right arm. so I could exclaim "You dare to face the Power of Pi?" and then I would flex. I would do this when threatened, when I feel bossy, and any other time that it may be necessary.

Ok, the super fun tattoo that I would get: a handlebar mustache. Mostly because it would be rediculous and I could activate it when I'm feeling ponderous and pretend to twist my mustache ends. Are you picturing it?

Also: the coloring book equivalent of a butterly somewhere on my front torso. I could color it with different markers for different moods!
maybe some sort of vine motiff that I could activate to 'grow.'

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What office supply do you consider most necessary for your every day life?
'pen' or 'pencil' is not acceptable. You must be more specific like "black ball point pen" or ".5mm mechanical pencil'
The Asker


Kristen said...

I really enjoy the use of my 0.5mm mechanical pencil.

But seriously, what I use almost EVERY day is scrap paper.

I do calculations, take quick notes, draw maps and directions, almost anything on scrap paper that's headed for the recycle bin.

Anonymous said...

My 6H sketching pencil. <3

Anonymous said...

Gel pens in various colors.
I love to grade math work in various
colors....never RED.
post it notes. Could be 3M quality
or the cheap imitations.

Anonymous said...

The Asker,

Should I get my family to work on the Nadal Alarm Clock?? Sleeping late would cease to be a problem for you, I can promise you that!!

The Mead Five Star calendar notebook with pockets. I can use a different pen color to keep track of people and companies, and the pockets can store vital stuff like recpts, notes, invoices, and cds.

Please say yes to the alarm clock!

groovysabrina said...

When I worked at an engineering company recently, I could not imagine starting anything, even thinking, without my .5mm Pentel Mechanical Pencil, my Clic Eraser, my graphing calculator (TI-83), and my graph paper. Once those 4 things were ready, I was ready.

Now, I don't need most of that anymore. BUT, I guard my pens from America like a little fiend. They are Black Pilot Vball Extra Fine. Pens here are crap.

Stacy said...

I don't really use any office supplies. I haven't written with an actual pen and paper in so long that when I do have to do it I can barely form letters. My most used office supply I guess would be my headset for my phone

Kristen said...

Anne, you could work on that Nadal alarm clock, but I don't know if it would be as effective as the car alarm that was alarming for over an hour last night. around 2am

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with those amazing 4-foot xerox printer/scanner beasts that copy, pdf, e-mail, collate, staple and serve you lunch with a smile. It's the greatest of office supplies.

Regarding office supplies of the mechanical (as opposed to electrical) variety, nothing says I love you like an industrial stapler. Those things bind a ream better than my college textbook publishers.

alicia said...

coffee. oh wait, maybe that's not considered an office "supply"... more like an office "essential". :-)