Friday, August 29, 2008

4 day weekend

Dear QotD?ers,
Yes! a 4 day weekend! Happy Labor Day (Monday)!
I was not aware that pregnancy messes with bone structure. I will remember this for later.
Gustav is still undedicded, but it looks like we still will see no effects. Regardless, we should have had our hurricane ride-out snacks all sumer. That will be one of this morning's missions.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What non-perishable food would you most like to have* if you were going to be without power for 1.5 days?
The Asker
*Please avoid "foods that I would need for my sanity" like alcohol or tranquilizers for the dogs downstairs.


Kristen said...

ummmm, I know I want to get some fruit cups. and probably some ritz crackers

Anonymous said...

When our home was almost, but not quite, hit by a tornado in 1994, we were without electricity for only about eight hours. The entire rest of our block was without electricity for a week. We were the official keepers of milk and meat. But really, all of us relied on Red Cross to give us food and water, as the clean-up was immense. And all of our homes were intact, unlike the homes that were flattend a block to the west of us.

I would like granola bars or trail mix.

jennifercaitlin said...


um, i would like triscuits and soup you don't have to heat up.

and canned pineapple. man i love that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hm. You just eliminated my answer (the alcohol). I guess I'll have to go with tuna, beefaroni, and mushrooms.

groovysabrina said...

Trail mix, nutella, wheat thins. Lots of nutella. Peanut butter, jelly, bread.

alicia said...

wheat thins, pb/j, bread. and if i could have one luxury snack, it would be chocolate of some kind. preferably ghirardelli milk or dark chocolate. but that would probably fall under one of those "for my sanity" categories.

Anonymous said...

Is the internet non-perishable?

Anonymous said...

I could probably subsist on crackers and trail mix for that long. Maybe some Tang or Gatorade mix to make water not so boring.

Jessim said...

Well, I would want bags of cereal (which is perishable, but not in a 2 day time frame).