Monday, August 18, 2008

She's my FAYvorite

Dear QotD?ers,
It's Monday! ug? I hope all of you have an easy Monday, or at least one that isn't too terrible. I look pretty nice today, so I'm hoping that will improve my mood.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is one of your pet peeves?
The Asker


Kristen said...

This one drives me CRAZY. People whose only concept of a kolache is a hotdog/sausage in a dough. I call that bigs-in-a-blanket.

Here, I've got some proof from wikipedia:
"A related dish is a klobasnek, which often uses similar bread but is filled with a piece of sausage. These are sometimes mistakenly referred to as kolaches. They may also contain ham and cheese, sausage, jalapeƱo slices, and more resemble a "pig in a blanket" than the original pastry. There is also a sweet and flakey filled pastry with Polish origins called the Kolachky."

Oh, and here's the wikipedia page, Can you guess which town mentioned is most related to me?

Tami Parker said...

Cell phones.

Oh. Em. Gee.

Seriously. Don't talk on a cell phone while you drive. You may THINK you're driving just as well without it, but trust me, I can spot a cellphoner from a mile away. Drifting and quick corrections, someone who obviously isn't paying attention to the traffic around them (roads that merge, and one person nearly hitting someone else during the merge). Stop it. For MY health, and not just yours.

Also (and this one has far less actual basis), I hate cell phone conversations in public. HATE them. I do not want to hear half of a conversation. As a matter of fact, I don't even want to hear the whole thing. I do not want to be standing next to someone talking on a cellphone in a line, in an elevator, or in any situation where I really don't have a choice but to stand next to you and hear half of a conversation about how totally awesome it was to get drunk, or how much your boyfriend ignores you, or how your aunt sally just got a boob job.

I do not know you, and I do not care about you enough to listen to the personal minutiae of your life.

Kristen said...

cell phone conversations from public restrooms. ug.

Anonymous said...

RIGHT ON tamijean

I get the willies whenever people are talking on those cell phone ear-piece things. They're looking towards me and speaking, but their eyes are glazed over and not focused on me so I get worried that they're a zombie trying to pass it off that they're 'not looking at me' but really it's a confidence trick to get close enough to eat my brain. They already look half cyborg...

Also, it's mostly always older folks, not the newer generation that can multi-task.

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is the huge number of medications we are encouraged to ask our doctors about to make our lives better. I know people who weigh over 350 pounds and take over 15 medications a day to combat high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol and they do not exercise or eat healthy.

Can we please just put the tobacco commercials back on TV?

That and the fact that Animaniacs are not shown on TV anymore. But you can sure watch Hanna Montana!

jennifercaitlin said...


that's about it.

i'm pretty laid back.

groovysabrina said...

Cars that don't slow down for pedestrians. And if you really want to bug me, do that in the rain, while I am getting all wet and you are high and dry in your car, probably splashing me with dirty water.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Justin! Blue-tooth user's look like Cyborg's.

My biggest pet peeve is wrong use of apostrophe's. It drive's me crazy! Another is using the wrong word among homophones like their/there/they're, it's/its, to/too, your/you're.... They're misuse make's thing's incomprehensible. ARRG!!

Anonymous said...

Students who whine about Math homework!

Anonymous said...

Just looked it up.

Could it be......

alicia said...

mouth sounds. i do NOT want to hear you chew food, chew gum, pop your gum, blow bubbles, lick your lips, or any other smacking sound that human beings can make with their mouths. in all honesty, that is my ONE biggest criteria for a date to go well. he has to eat quietly.

and i COMPLETELY agree with brother-in-law. grammar abuse is rampant and horrendous. it makes me sad for public education....