Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olympics 2/5

Dear QotD?ers,
I haven't actually watched the Olympics since Saturday. I wish I could find a schedule that would tell me when synchronized diving is (rather than find out that it was last night and it was awesome).
I made a new dish today for our Wedding Shower potluck at lunch. I'll let you know how it turns out. Also, I organized our bookshelves last night. It looks sooo much better
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your favorite Olymipc event to watch (summer or winter games)?
The Asker
I <3>


Anonymous said...

I like the swimming ones where they draw in the world record line and you can see the swimmers race against it. Also, I think the high-tech swim suits are cool. They probably cost more than I make in a year!

Kristen said...

I like the artistic events: gymnastics, rythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming/diving.

Anonymous said...

I like the gymnastics, swimming,
and in winter olympics the skiing
ice skating....couples and single.

groovysabrina said...

Such a hard one, Kristen! I used to be nutty about figure skating. I mean totally nutty. But I also LOVE gymnastics (bars, floor routine, everything is amazing), speed skating, skiing, and diving. Anything where jumping is involved.

Anonymous said...

I like the swimming and track events and the skiing in the winter.

I do not like the artistic events so much and I am not very interested in the basketball, soccer or volleyball.

With all the events that have been added to the Olympics, I am wondering why there hasn't been a inclusion for any of the mothering events. You know, which mother can birth the fastest, which mother can get her kids to finish chores the quickest, which mother is able fix three meals, run errands and organize a home and still look glamorous at the end of the day. Talk about talent and skills and intense training!!

Michael Phelps is a wuss! All he did was swim fast. He didn't even bother to discipline a child in that race...I am unimpressed.

Tami Parker said...

Ice Skating. Without a doubt. I'll even watch really awful movies about figure skating. I've always wished I could have the confidence to do something like that.

Stacy said...

I would have to say right now the men's gymanstics. We just got HD so really I can watch anything on it...even the commercials and love it. I really like the United Airline commercials they have on now.

Jessim said...

Summer- synchro diving and men's gymnastics (occasionally women's gymnastics, but as I've gotten older my tastes switched to watching the men's.) I also like rhythmic gymnastics depending on the apparatus (rope is stupid) and synchronized swimming team (duet is stupid).

Winter- Figure Skating- mostly pairs, but there are some ladies and men I like, and honestly short programs- my attention span cannot handle an entire evening of long programs under the new code of points. (I'm sure this is kind of ironic, since i'm an ice skater- but I just can't watch em) I'm starting to appreciate ice dancing, but still not quite there yet.

However's I'm the olympic's b*tch. I'll watch anything NBC puts on except probably boxing.

Oh and tamijean- I'm all about the ridiculous skating movies.