Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thoughts on 8/11/08

I'm pretty sure not all of you have subscribed to QotD? RSS feed. Mainly that's because RSS is still a mystery to me.
I've decided to try a response post so that you will know your answer was appreciated. We'll see how it goes.
Olympics 1/5
I'm glad that those of you who watched it were equally amazed. I think NBC has the intersting parts (all the theatrics, none of the parade of nations) on their website. -- Justin is hilarious for providing commentary on his own answer. -- In Feb of '09 local broadcast channels go from analog to digital. All the tvs we own won't pick up the digital signal, unless we get a new tv, cable/satellite or converter box. -- I accept thanks from Band Geek, it was my pleasure and I'm glad he no longer has an enemy.
21 to 6
man, we all have a lot of writing things. Anne, I'm curious what sort of paints you have in your bedroom.
Illegal Substitutions
Jennifer, I'm also married to Mad Cow Disease. It's not so bad. -- Matthew want to hear from anyone who had given double red cells.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Asker,

Despite 900 square feet of barn space, Bob has found it most inspiring to do art work in the bedroom. Maybe the barn is just for tools and machinery. The bedroom is cluttered with design ideas and his current project, a large plywood cutout of a Datsun 280Z that he is painting for a friend. Between design ideas and the painting project, the room is full of pencils, markers, paints and papers, as well as the 4'x6' Datsun 280z.

And the Band Geek still has an enemy. Bentleigh just took back those particular 27 times that she told him she hated him. But it seems that Bentleigh adores the trail mix that Jacob brings and that and the Dr. Horrible experience have given him a few days where he is not in perilous danger.