Monday, August 4, 2008

starring Cedric Diggory as Edouard

Dear QotD?ers,
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1) I'm wearing a skirt today
2) Tropical storm Edouard is in the Gulf and scheduled to make landfall tomorrow morning. We are keeping track of it. It is not expected to reach hurricane status. That said, I expect to be safe and the biggest stress to be boarding up the in-laws' house.
3) Considering the spectrum of stroke effects, my uncle has been blessed. He was transported quickly to a facility. His speech and cognitive mind were not effected. Though doctors can't find the source of the problem, they expect that he can fully recover. He lost control of his right side (below neck), but has already shown signs of regaining muscle control and sensation. Thank you for all of your prayers, keep them coming!
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Today's Question of the Day? is:
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How would you feel about periodically having a weekly theme for questions?
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The Asker
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Kristen said...

I would love having a themed week. It would make it easier for me to think of random questions, and we could really have fun with the sort of themes. For example: we could have holiday-themed questions OR we could have poetry week (either by topic OR by answer format).

I hope you guys are exicted about this too!

Tami Parker said...

I think theme weeks would be awesome!

Also, I think you've already used that blog entry title. *gasp*

Kristen said...

Tami, HA you've been fooled!
I did have a post titled "...and starring Cedric Diggory as Edward" in reference to the star of the 'Twilight' movie.

But today is Edouard. tottttaly different.

Anonymous said...

I like to be the stand-alone type person who remains skeptical but will still participate.

For a different topic of conversation.....Jacob started as a high school marching band member this morning. He will play the euphemism in the marching band and the baboon in the honors band. (I have taken from the Mr. Ken page of never using the proper name.) He was pretty happy this morning. We will see how he feels after marching with his euphemism.

Anonymous said...

Themes would be cool. Especially if we were to answer in those poem-format-doobledebob-thingies.

And Edouard is so not playing by the rules. Hurricanes are supposed to wander around the ocean before getting all big and scary, not sneaking up on us like this. Whoever started this (Humberto, I'm looking at you) is in biiiig trouble.

Jessim said...

Weekly themes sound like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

I am in favor of weekly themes!
First topic could be...........

Anonymous said...

weekly themes would be fun! i love shark week...