Thursday, August 7, 2008

illegal substitutions

Dear QotD?ers,
I watch some of the strangest reality tv shows. Last night I watched professional hair stylists groom dogs, and then style the dog's owner to look like their own dog. Seriously, that's weird.
I tried to give blood yesterday and for the first time ever, my iron count was low. Only by one point, so I can try again this afternoon. Regardless, everyone who tried got a free t-shirt (high quality grey) an A COUPON FOR A PINT OF BLUEBELL. Seriously, that's awesome.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you give blood?
The Asker


Kristen said...

Totally. I'm really good at giving blood, even if my veins are not always cooperative.

Anonymous said...

Over the years, I have been proven an unsuccessful blood donor. For a long time, I was not allowed to give blood because I did not weigh enough. And even if I did weigh enough, I was just above the lower limit for iron and was typically denied. Being little and slighty anemic puts you at risk for discrimination!

I fully meet all weight requirements now, but still am slighlty anemic. While I was still the mother of young children, I would get denied because I was now not strong enough, in an ironman sense, to raise children and give blood.

I have not tried to give blood since I was 35. I just let Bob do it. I got tired of being told I was too weak and puny to save lives. Out of all the times I tried to give blood, I was only ever able to once. I was still working at UT Southwestern and I was only allowed to give blood because I had three friends promise to watch me through the day and there is always a huge medical staff available there.

Don't rely on me to save your lives.

jennifercaitlin said...

i can't.

not enough iron.

but even more interesting than that is that mike can't.




i could be marrying a mad cow brain.

according to carter bloodcare.


Tami Parker said...

What an oddly apropo question!

Tomorrow is the summer blood drive here at work.

I do like to give blood. I'm type Opos, which makes me a nearly-universal giver (I can give to any positive blood type, I think).

However, the last three times I've tried it, my iron has been either too low, or barely skating past the line.

So I sign up as an alternate - if someone else can't come, I try to give. And I try to eat lots of beef and liver and molasses cookies and spinach (okay, not that last one) on the week leading up to it, to help boost my iron. I'm also taking daily multivitamins, which should help.

As a side note, Kristen, if you're aaaalmost to the line, ask them to prick the finger on your other hand. I've failed on my left hand and passed on my right hand before.

Anonymous said...

Nope, scurred-outta-mah-mind of *moo* needles and I too *moo* might have teh Mad Cow. Any day now I *moo* could flip out and start mooing for no reason.

The Asker is safe, unless she eats my brains, in which event she would likely be a zombie and have more pressing health related issues.

I'm guessing today's title comes from the fact that our New Hire Network softball team t-shirts all have the number 08 on the back. Hehe, penalty on who now???

Unknown said...

I have given a lot in the past. As soon as I turned 17 I gave blood every chance I got through my freshman year of college. Since then I haven't given blood. I started telling myself I was going to "donate" my plasma for money but never did. I guess that's why I stopped. I'll probably either start back up with giving blood or start selling it soon.

also - anyone given double red? They tell me it can save like 5 babies when then take blood out and put it back in.

alicia said...

i'm ashamed to say that i have never given blood. when my older sister was a senior in high school, she weighed 111 pounds and they let her donate during the NHS blood drive. well, whoever took her blood didn't know what they were doing because they used a giant needle and had to poke her a few times to find a vein, and then the giant needle caused that vein to BURST. so she had a bruise that literally covered her entire arm for about 6 weeks. it scared me out of giving blood for a while. but i think i'm starting to grow out of my fear, so if i get the opportunity to give blood soon i'll do my best to suck it up.

Jessim said...

I've only been able to give once successfully. Usually I'm anemic or they pound on my arm but can't find a vein. In high school I was underweight, but sadly that's not the requirement anymore.

I was incredibly sick for the rest of the day when I gave blood, and since it was at work I've decided I really shouldn't. Really, they take a lot more proportionally from me then the other people in my office, who are all much bigger than I am.

Kristen said...

Jessi, did you give one time in sophmore year? I remember someone in Mosher, maybe two doors down, getting woozy.