Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympics 5/5

Dear QotD?ers,

Do you remember me telling you that you probably wouldn't get your QotD? in time on my off-Fridays? Well. that's what happened today.

Now, to finish up the First QotD? Theme Week

Imagine that you have won an Olympic Medal (I don't care what you won for: real or ficitional event, support stuff, whatever)

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Where will you keep your Olympic Medal!?
The Asker


Jessim said...

Safety deposit box, though that seems a bit of a waste- but my house isn't insured for enough should that get stolen

Anonymous said...

Around my neck at all times or in my diploma frame.

...but I'll have to get a diploma frame.

Kristen said...

In our current home? I really don't know. I guess I would get it matted and framed with a picture of my victorious moment (arms raised in triumph, hoola-hoop twirlying...). That sounds like a good idea. Then I would hang it over the couch.

Anonymous said...

I would attach it to Ford's collar. Ford would be the coolest dog ever, as if he isn't already, and that way I could see it all the time.

Or I could hot-glue it to a barret clip.

alicia said...

i would definitely get it framed and hang it over my mantle. that way i could show it off to everyone that ever came over to my house. i mean, there would be a very small chance that they didn't already KNOW i had won a gold medal in... anything... because i'm pretty sure that would also become part of my introduction when i met new people: "Hi, my name is Alicia, and I have an Olympic gold medal!"

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of framing it along
with a picture of the victorious
moment, etc. etc.
I think I might like to have it
'removable', in case I would want to 'wear it' to a special event or something.

Anonymous said...

Uhm... In the refrigerator. I wouldn't be able to lose it in there.