Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Voluntary Needles.

Dear QotD?ers,

I walked a reallly fast 5k this evening, but i must have bumped the buttons on my timer, because when I looked, my time was 00:00. Aww, but I KNOW it was real fast. I had done the 2.5 miles in 35 minutes at least.
At the work diaper shower/potluck, I brought Crapple salad. I love that salad.

Today's Quesiton of the Day? is:
Do you usualy get the flu vaccine? Those in the US, will you be getting the H1N1 vaccine? those in Brasil, is there any talk of flu vaccines down there?

The Asker


Jackie said...

Nope. Last flu shot I got made me pass out and I ended up missing class for the first time in my collegiate career. Although, last week flu shots were free on campus and H1N1 were half off.

Hopefully *crosses fingers* I don't get sick.

The Minears said...

I got a flu shot last year and may get one this year. I don't have enough time to get one before the trip I hope to take next week so I'll have to try for one afterwards. I will also be trying for an H1N1 shot, but I don't know what the availability will be for dependents. I'm pretty sure all the active duty people will have to get one, they're required to get a seasonal flu shot, but I don't know how much of a supply we'll get. Japan is a pretty clean country, face masks are a regularity around here. People wear them if anyone in their family is sick, they're so considerate. My worry is that we'll get sick travelling between Japan and the States, but I'm not going to let that hold me back from seeing the family.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Hee hee. I actually had a doctor raise his voice to me over the seasonal flu shots that I always pass on for the kids. It was Jessica, and she was sick already (maybe an ear infection) and pretty young and he let me know he was in disagreement with me about the flu shots! Alright already! Give her a shot that has little validity!

I am not a wacko...well, I might be....and my kids all have full immunization shots. Preventing diseases that have a high rate of death or long lasting consequences makes perfect sense. I am not taking a chance on polio or hepatisis. I even opted for the chicken pox vaccine for Nick and Jessica. Jake didn't have the option and suffered through the itching.

But the flu shots are on shaky ground with me, expecially the seasonal ones that are merely predictions. And sometimes I think it is good to be a normal, healthy person that actaully fights off a disease.

Those viruses aren't gonna put up with us circumventing their efforts to reproduce forever. Look what the bacteria have done in response to our efforts!! I don't want to make the viruses really angry!!


Think I'm scared of a virus?? Bring it!!

@ Tami Jean,

Ask me some day about how coffee ruined MY companion in caffiene's life!! Take a seat for it, though. It's an upsetting story!!

Auntie Barb said...

We didn't have much of a choice this year as our company paid for a clinic to come to the office and give us all a flu shot. Same for Danny. Not planning on getting the "all new" h1n1 shot though. That vaccine is just too untried for me to feel safe about. But I'm not in the high risk group. Besides I was living when the last H1N1 came through so should be ok!

groovysabrina said...

I have never gotten a flu shot. Daryl thinks this is absurd...but I am kind of on the same wave as Anne, though this is a disagreement we will never win against anyone who practices medicine.

I only got the flu once and that was last year. I now see why people try to avoid it. It's pretty awful, I thought I had some tropical disease.

Have not heard about H1N1 around here yet, though I know it's all over US news.

Tami Parker said...

My company typically pays for the flu vaccine, but I don't sign up for it. I'm not in a high risk group and the fact that so many people are on the fence about whether they help or whether they're actually bad for you drives me batso. Seems like the kind of thing that should be a cut and dried answer. (As Lewis Black would say "Is milk good or bad? *pause* I rest my case."

Anyway, since the flu isn't typically dangerous to my age/health group, I opt not to get the vaccine. I think I'm along the lines of where Anne is with her opinions on it. Part of me thinks it's good to fight of an illness every now and again.

Of course, I had what might have been the piggysniffles a couple weeks ago and roundabout day five I'd have taken any vaccine you handed me, so take that with a grain of salt. *laughs*

Hey Anne! How did coffee ruin your companion in caffeine's life?!


AggieEngineer2k said...

Doubt it; I pass out just looking at needles.

I stumbled across a raging online debate over "Milk: Good or Bad for Humans" one day... curious QotD?'ers are encouraged to investigate!

Jessim said...

I will get a flu vaccine because they are free at work. I don't think I've ever gotten one before. But this seems like the year to do it.

I won't get the H1N1 vaccine because I'm not "high risk" (too old) and last I heard Iowa already ran out. So unless they get more, there isn't a way to get them anyway, and if they do get more, I don't think they'll let me have one anyway because I'm not "high risk"

Our high school had 1/3 of the kids out last week with flu symptoms, and today 3 people (of 11?) are missing from work. So this year does not look like it will be fun.

Mother of Three, Anne said...


The short story...

Carmen and I became friends our freshman year at A&M. We would spend the two hours between our chemistry class and our biology labs at the MSC drinking loads of coffee and trying to establish which one of us had the most insane family. We are still trying to sort that part out!

Carmen loves coffee as much as I do and cherishes the smell, the taste AND the perks!! She is the smartest person I know!

Her husband, after nearly 25 years of marriage, LEFT HER A NOTE BY THE COFFEE MACHINE ONe MORNING TELLING HER HE HAD LEFT AND BEEN HAVING AN AFFAIR!! BY THE COFFEE MACHINE!!! She never even had a chance to have that first cup of coffee!! BY THE COFFEE MACHINE!!

Still, to this day, the thing that upsets Carmen the most is that he ruined her morning coffee, which is clearly the most offensive part to THAT story!!

I have told Bob that if he is going to be a coward, he should leave a voicemail message for me, because if he left a note by the coffee machine, with his spelling, I would probably think he left for a vacation and spend two weeks wondering when he was coming home.

groovysabrina said...


Tami Parker said...



What a jerk, to ruin coffee of all things!

(also, lol at the handwriting comment)

Jeannie said...

Yes, got my $5.00 flu shot in the school nurses's office, will not get the H1N1.

kathleen said...

Yes, I did get a flu shot this year. Last year I did also, but before that, it had been years since I had gotten a flu shot.

For the last month I have had 10-14 students absent daily. Today
I only had 3 absent. 1 was sick,
1 was in ISS, and 1 has been suspended.

DrFandango said...

Dear The Asker,
No I never get flu shots. In fact, when I have the flu I like to go around and cough in people's coffee when they aren't looking. Also, I try to sneeze directly on those smaller, weaker and younger than me. These are just some of the perks of being an evil villan.

Sincerly, Dr. Fandango, future tyrant of the small fuzzy critters