Wednesday, July 29, 2009

it's like bambi, but without the deer and skunk, and with a frog.

Dear QotD?ers,
Mom is here! Tonight we put together Ikea counter-stool and discovered just how unlevel the kitchen tile is. If you are ever in need of someone to put together your Ikea furniture, give us a call. We are very good and hilarious to work with. :]
Another delight for the evening: Our hoppin' toad was at the edge of the garage tonight and Justin had to shoo him out before closing the garage door. Toad thought that he would be safe under the lawnmower. He was wrong on so many levels! Also, a tiny bunny has been spotted again, but not by me. We have adorable wildlife in my neighborhood.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are your feelings on squirrels?
The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

We have a bunny family that lives at the back of our property. We love the bunnies. We also have lots of frogs and lizards. There is an owl that lives somewhere in the back tree line, as well as many squirrels. But when we first moved in and there was still very littel development in the area, there were turkeys that roamed our property at times. It was very funny the first time we heard them in the backyard.

None of our trees are big enough or close enough to the house yet for us to be annoyed be squirrels. But I remember from our old home the sound of squirrels running across the roof and Bob's concern about them getting into the attic.

Jessim said...

As long as there are not too many, I don't mind them.

groovysabrina said...

I love squirrels!

My parents have a birdhouse which has housed many a bird family. They also have a neighborhood hawk and for a while they had a dancing mockingbird. Bird & squirrel interactions are always fun to watch. I remember on rainy days hearing a symphony of frogs outside. I forgot about all the wildlife in Rosenberg. Have you guys been to Brazos Bend State Park? They have 'gators there.

Jeannie said...

I like to watch squirrels run along the fence in our backyard. However, we have one noisy neighborhood squirrel I do not like!. He/she sits in the pine trees and makes this shrill noise, while standing tall on the branch. I heard it one day and ran outside. I thought at first it was a child needing help, but realized it was the squirrel possibly calling another squirrel or a mother who had lost her little one! Whew!

The Minears said...

I don't really have any feelings on the subject of squirrels, but thinking about them reminds me of the squirrel with collars at A&M.

And so as to contribute an anecdote... a monkey has been spotted on base, however I have not seen it personally.

Tami Parker said...

I like squirrels at a distance. I don't like it when they lose their fear of humans (the ones on A&M were creeeeeepy) and certainly not in the house.

AggieEngineer2k said...

Squirrel... mmmm, tasty.

Those A&M squirrels were lazy bums, always splayed out on the benches like they owned the place.

And don't forget the family of ducks swimming in the psuedo-lake!

kathleen said...

I love squirrels. But not when they eat pecans or get into the attic. Luckily, we do not have pecan trees for us to get annoyed with the squirrels. We have had a squirrel in the attic. At first we were not sure if it was a mouse, rat or what. Until one day... The squirrel looked so cute peaking out from the corner of an eave when we arrived home one evening. Alas, it was not to be. Martin now knew where he was getting in and fixed the opening.
I do wish we had pecan trees.

Melissa said...

Squirrels repeatedly tried to kill me while I was at A&M. Usually they would dart in front of my bike and stop, causing chaos and mayhem. But two times, while I was sitting on a bench reading outside, I was pelted in the head (repeatedly) with acorns by angry squirrels overhead.