Sunday, July 12, 2009

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Dear QotD?ers,
This weekend was one of serious packing. My parents and younger brother came to help, and they did a fabulous job. All of the kitchen and a whole lot more has been transported to the house. This afternoon we took pictures in the front yard. I don't know where the transfer cord is, or I'd share some with you.
This is going to be a busy and stressful week at work, so let's hope we all get through it quickly.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you like scary movies?
The Asker


kathleen said...

scary as in blood and stuff....NO!
Great weekend!
Beautiful house!!!!

Jackie said...

Nope. I don't really like to be scared. I'm more of a romantic comedy girl myself.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Not a fan of scary movies.

Excited about the Half-Blood Prince, but in general, I am not a big movie fan. I don't get the people who go see a new movie every week.

groovysabrina said...

Scary for the purpose of freaking me out, NO.

Scary for the purposes of a fantastic story or drama, I accept.

Tami Parker said...

I have an unhealthy fascination with scary movies. I want to watch them, but they scare me to a ridiculous amount and cause nightmares.

Jessim said...

No. Not at all.

Moo said...

Transfer cord? My dear, there is a wonderful thing called a memory card. It's like magic!