Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New House: 3/5

Dear QotD?ers,
Today was a busy stressful day of work. So after dinner I had some banana pudding ice cream by Blue Bell. Wow, I really don't have anything else I want to talk about. Except: don't bury me in a gold lined casket, and the moon is funny
Not entirely surprising, my idea for a house-warming themed game to play was the exact idea my mom answered. Things like that happen sometime. So when everyone comes for a real visit, we can play Clue based on our houseplan.
The neighborhood has a nice community center with a gym and a pool. The neighborhood also has a man-made, shallow, decorative lake with signs saying "No Swimming/ No Fishing/ No Boating"
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Are you at all tempted to go swimming, fishing or boating* in the fake lake? Or shall we just go up and down the streets introducing ourselves to the neighbors in a great big bunch, with muffins**? Or something else?
The Asker
*Assume that you would use the free boat offered in the previous incarnation of QotD?
**provided by Tami


groovysabrina said...

tempted to go into a forbidden lake? absolutely! I hope you have ducks, that would make it ok.

Yes, meet your neighbors! They should be the ones handing out the muffins, but either way, I hope you have some cool neighbors.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Community center, gym and pool? Fake pond with posted sign?

Ahh, an HOA community.

Nope, with an HOA lurking in the bakground, I would be completely disinclined to have a sense of humor and be silly.

So I opt for going down the street. Sigh. I would like to propose going down the street in a parade, with Justin at the front in a top hat, the rest of us following in a makeshift marching band with a few all dolled-up and doing high kicks!! But the HOA....Can I just sit on the front porch and eat the muffins by TamiJean and watch you guys??

Mother of Three, Anne said...

The moon is funny! I love the song he sings!

Nick hates jazz, Frank Sinatra and Chicago. So Nick loves Vince. I think in Nick's mind, he is Vince and Jake is Howard. Hee hee. Nick loves the line...
"Funk? Jazz's deformed cousin?"

Tami Parker said...

I have never really been tempted by forbidden waters - I don't even think I dunked my feet in the fountains at A&M. What can I say, I'm not really a rebel.

I'll hang out with Anne and guard the muffins. Maybe she and I will make some fresh-baked bread while you guys are off getting chased by the HOA moms (armed with spatulas and rolling pins, no doubt).

Speaking of which, I seriously need to get a sourdough bread starter. Mmmmm, home baked sourdough...

Jeannie said...

I think that "man made lake" is a retention pond for water run off. Many building permits today require a certain percentage of land be designated as a retention pond. Ugh. Yea, the neighbors should be so excited to see such a great looking young couple, they will want to come over and meet you! Have the muffins ready to serve them!

Tami Parker said...

How dare you speak of the crunch to me? You know nothing of the crunch!

Jessim said...

Hmmm- the fake lake at our old apartment also added no ice skating. I guess if yours freezes over you could always do that, since it's not prohibitted (also funny- ducks that are fed by the maintence people and therefore don't migrate and just walk on the frozen lake all winter wondering where the water went)

I'd meet the neighbors. After a point, it's much harder to go and introduce yourself.

kathleen said...

No, I would not go swimming in a fake lake. Fishing maybe, but I doubt it.
I would wait until we were mostly settled in the house, and if no one had come by...yet....I would go and introduce myself when they were outside watering or something.
I would make contact with the people living on either side of me and the people across the street.
Muffins or brownies or cookies would be a nice touch, but not necessary.

AggieEngineer2k, from next door said...

I'm fairly certain the lack of ducks indicates the lake is home to a carnivore. That would not be fun to swim with.

We met two neighbors, who were on their way to take their daughter back to college. The others drove up while I was mowing, got out, and went directly inside. The lone teen boy who made eye contact looked sort of torn between talking to a stranger and being embarrased about his antisocial family. We'll see 'em again someday.