Friday, July 3, 2009

in the new house again!

Dear QotD?ers,
After work today, we had dinner, packed up some stuff, drove by the in-laws to pick up a carpet shampoo-er and came to our home. While Justin cleaned the fridge, I swept all the baseboards and sweepable floors, and vacuumed our bedroom. I cannot express to you how big this house feels. If you've been to our apartment... our new master bedroom is the size of the livingroom and dining room combined.
This is what I looked like yesterday when I was typing up the QotD?

That's the study.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you like berber or prefer regular carpet? and Do vacuum tracks bother you?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

Ahhh...I remember the days when SHAG carpets were the rage.

Three kids, numerous dogs, with only one still living with us, and endless hours of housecleaning later, I prefer NON-carpeted floors. We still have carpeting thorughout the house, but that is due to lacking the resources to change the flooring. (Time and money are constant constraints.)

I don't really like the feel of berber carpets. Their appearance is fine, but the texture on your feet is not an "OOOOOO"-feeling.

I don't think I would recognize vacuum tracks. I know what mud tracks are though! For sure!

Very exciting! I restate...the floors, the cabinets, the walls can all change over time, what you will love is that it is your home because of who is in it, not what. But have fun with the what!!

groovysabrina said...

Now that I have lived the last 4+ years without wall-to-wall carpeting, I actually prefer it, too. I sweep our floor every day, and the pile of dirt that accumulates daily would be difficult to clean if we had carpeting. Sometimes it makes me think of our lungs and how gray they must be. Sigh.

That said, I don't think I know what berber carpeting is. But vacuum trails make me think clean.

Have fun in your new HOME!

Auntie Barb said...

I prefer regular carpet because, after having burber, it tends to run and pull and get caught in the vacuum and then off it goes with this big run.
Actually I find it kinda fun that you can make designs with the vacuum!

Tami Parker said...

LOVE those windows! <3

I'm with Anne - I love non-carpet. Tile or wood (or simulated wood, I ain't picky). The look of a wood floor just takes my breath away.

Plus, it's easier to clean and doesn't hold allergens the way that carpet does.

AND I've heard it's insanely easy to install (the fake wood stuff, that is). My home, when I get it, will have fake wood floors everywhere.

kathleen said...

As of late, I prefer NO carpet at all. Tile or wood floors are easy to keep clean. To some extent, vacuum cleaner tracks do bother me, but that is not why I prefer
tile/wood floors.

Again.........Congrats on your
new home! You do look 'tiny' in that picture. Yesterday,we had dinner with Mike/Vanessa and the girls and Alyssa wanted to come see your new house...right then. She was disappointed that it would take a while to get to your house!

Jeannie said...

I prefer the look of wood floors and tile is very easy to keep clean. However, my feet like the soft feel of carpet, and I do like the quiet of carpet. Not a fan of Berber. I kinda like the tracks the vacuum leaves on the carpet when you finish. It says clean to me too! Good luck with the carpet shampooer today. Did you get waked up in the night with all of the new sounds and light coming from the windows? It's fun learning the sounds of your house!!

Jessim said...

I am not a fan of Berber. It doesn't seem to wear as well, even though it's supposed to be better.

I have to say though, I'm really more of a fan of wood laminate. If I hadn't lost my job we were going to pull up our carpet and lay that instead.

I like vacuum tracks- they tell me the room has been cleaned recently.

Jackie said...

I prefer regular, fluffy carpet over berber. My parent's house has both, and they each have their advantages.

And vacuum lines are wonderful. When I vacuum I try to make sure they're in perfect sections. It looks neat and clean.