Monday, July 27, 2009


I could wait until I write up tomorrow's QotD to share this, but I bet I would forget.

The two times that I have seen/heard the dog, the owner was outside and the dog was on a leash.

This points to
- complete obliviousness of They Who Live on the Left
- a horrifying disregard for our patch of grass.

I'm fairly certain that this isn't poo from dogs being walked, since the poo is about 3 feet from our garage and 15 feet from the street... and riiight next the the property line.

I think Justin is planning a 'deliver cookies and casually bring up poo' trip to the neighbors. Cookies and poo should never be in the same plan.


Anonymous said...

Ooooo I agree. Cookies and poo should not be in the same plan!

kathleen said...

Let me know how this turns out!