Monday, July 13, 2009

How irresponsable

Dear QotD?ers,
I had delicious fruit at lunch and we stopped at the library after work. Also, I made plans to attend the 12:01 showing of Harry Potter #6. Heaven help us, that's a work night. I need to find my magic wand, which should be in a box at the house. I already know where my cloak is, so phew.
I really don't like scary stories, especially at night when I'm alone. It's a little better now that I'm married, but then only for 'spooky' and not 'greusome and horrifying.'
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Have you ever done something rediculous really late at night on a school night or work night?
The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

Once, when I was young and beautiful, I took 18 hours at A&M, which included a graduate level biochem class, analytical chemistry, another biochem class and scientific and technical German, which happened to be my "easy" class. By the time I took the German final, I had stayed up past midnight several days running and was exhausted. I went to a friend's lab to go over last minute stuff for the final, but ended up wrapping myself with radioactive warning tape. My class mates thought I was weird(er than before) and all of them refused to sit by me during the final.

Clearly, I don't do well with lack of sleep. I could never pull off a late night activity in the middle of the week.

@ TamiJean,

Easy now, my fuzzy little man-peach!!

The Old Gregg episode played the other night.

You are my personal hero!

Do you love me? Are you playing your love games with me?

kathleen said...

Going to an all night showing of all 5 of the "Planet of the Apes" movies(at a drive in movie theatre) was pretty irresponsible.
We had a 1 year old at the time.
Ahhhhhhh, but we were younger then. Ha!

Tami Parker said...

I led a pretty sheltered life. Thankfully, my second roommate was okay with my uncool early bedtime. *hugs*


Flirtinis all around!

I put shells on things! (that last one became extra hilarious when we found a shop in a little town here that basically put wire swirlies and plastic jewels on things. EVERYTHING.)

groovysabrina said...

haha, yep, I have had a few late nights for something ridiculous, the most convincing motive for this is usually live music of some sort. It has almost always been worth the sluggishness of the following day!

Jackie said...

Yes. Quite often, actually. My friends are really into going to midnight movies and north gate on weeknights. Last semester I think we went out every Thursday night despite the fact that I had an 8 am Friday morning.

Wizard-in-Training AggieEngineer2k said...

I don't remember, but we're doing it TONIGHT! I hope I'm not the only one there not in costume...

Jackie said...
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