Monday, July 27, 2009

The Neighbors get a new name

Dear QotD?ers,
We did it. We took cookies to the neighbors to meet them.
As it turns out, Canadian grandparents were visiting for a few weeks. Those Canadian Grandparents are They Who Live on the Left (but now they've gone back to Canada). The actual neighbor, and we know her real name now, is very nice and friendly and also Canadian. The dog is Kendall and she is a beautiful black retreiver/collie mix or something. Tonight I watched, in person, a dog chase her own tail. I watch that dog catch her tail and keep spinning in a circle. I found this hilarious. So, everything is great now, and we'll be referring to them as The Canadians Who Live on the Left.
If you are feeling generous when you read this, say a prayer or send good thoughts towards an e-mail only QotD?er participant who is taking The Bar Exam on his birthday. I don't know much about lawyering exams, but I bet it's worse than the PE exam and I refused to take that one.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
When you really really need to vent about Work frustrations, who do you go to?
The Asker


Jackie said...

Unfortunately I've had to do a lot of venting about work lately ... and, again, sadly, it's been Matthew that's had to listen to me rant about people he doesn't know and situations he doesn't care about.

It's good to hear the neighbor situation worked itself out! And they're from Canada?! What part?

The Minears said...

My sisters. Well, that's who I went to when I was working. Melisa gives me unconditional love and Dianna tells it like it is, and together they're the perfect combination!

Jessim said...

Work venting goes to my husband or my mother, but right now I'm so glad to have a job it will be quite awhile before I do that again.

Jeannie said...

If I need immediate help, I go to the woodshop teacher next door, as we share the same kind of students. With most other things, like everyone else, my husband gets to be my sounding board. He is the best listener in the world! Sorry work is so frustrating right now for you, Kristen! I am so glad to hear the neighbors are nice and you will be able to talk to them. Harmony in the neighborhood is good.

kathleen said...

Yea! Hope all goes well with the neighbors.

Depending what I need to vent about, either my colleagues or my husband. Getting it off of my chest makes me feel better, even if it does not change matters.
Better to vent than to keep it all pent up!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Very glad to hear that the nieghbors are approachable and nice. Hope the visit resolves the issue! Yeah!

Frustrated with my co-workers, or frustrated with an aspect of my job?

If it is an aspect of my job, I just call our accountant and complain. He helps me laugh about it and gives me guidance on how to resolve whatever the issue is.

If I am frustrated with co-workers, that is trickier, as all my co-workers are family. Usually I can just sit down with Dad and tell him what is driving me crazy with Enviro Systems. He is pretty level-headed and will listen, and sometimes vent his own frustrations.

With Blue Ox frustrations, I usually just leave a note on Bob's desk. Being frustrated with a husband is different than being frustrated with your husband/boss and it is hard to seperate the two at times. So I just leave a note on his gets said and is not likely to come flying out of my mouth in the same thought as "Your belt is where YOU left it, honey!"

Bob always reminds me that in your frustrations, you should be looking for an answer. What can you do differently to make the situation better for you and others? And if there really is no way you can change anything for the better, then a few deep breaths in the middle of the day helps you rebalance yourself.

Of course, you could always wear an "I hate the Philippines" button!!!

groovysabrina said...

Daryl! (thanks, Daryl)

Tami Parker said...

I have a coworker who deals with the same irritants that I do. She and I have a night of really mean, horrible snarking and then we both feel better.

AggieEngineer2k said...

I would have to say Kristen for my venting, also because she and I share some of the same frustrations/coworkers!

Good luck on The Bar, fellow QotD?'er!

hehe, snarking...

Kristen said...

Jackie, the Toronto area!