Sunday, May 3, 2009

I like to play

Dear QotD?ers,
It's a new week! Will it be a great one for you? I hope so! I don't have a theme picked out for this week.
My weekend involved some travel, seeing family, eating food and playing two fabulous games, Bananagrams and Apples to Apples.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are some of your favorite party games?
The Asker


kathleen said...

The two that Kristen mentioned
are great fun........and fairly new. Pictionary and Balderdash
are also great fun.

Daryl Brown said...

I like both Bananagrams and Apples to Apples too! Cranium is pretty good.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Picture to Picture is one that we can all play, although sometimes Jessica and I have to play as a team. Apples to Apples is definitely one that we can all play.

Right now our favorite family game is Hangman. Jessica will pull out her chalkboard.

Hey, Kathleen and Svatek family. My kids have a Jumanji gameboard that you gave to us. They love that game, but I get the impression that sometimes they play with Calvinball rules. So thanks for sharing!!

groovysabrina said...

1. Trivial Pursuit
2. Cranium
3. Pictionary
4. Taboo

I spent so many nights in college playing these games!! Haven't played them in a long time.

I like games that require people to break out of their shell a little bit or share a piece of their personality/knowledge you would normally never discover! Laughing is also good.

Jackie said...

Apples to Apples, Cranium, Pictionary, Scene It, Battle of the Sexes ... There are so many! I love getting together and playing games.

What was the game that involved list-making? That was also a fun one.

TamiJean said...

Killer Bunnies is our current go-to party game.

AggieEngineer2k said...

In addition to the aforementioned Apples to Apples, Bananagrams and Cranium, I have fun playing Hit or Miss, Rock Band and Wii Sports.

Jessim said...

Well the first few aren't really party games, but we play them at every party we have it seems!

Settlers of Catan
Ticket to Ride
Guitar Hero (Wii game)
Mario Party (Gamecube game)
Flux (card game)
Quiddler (card game)
Munchkin (card game)
Apples to Apples

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Killer Bunnies!!?? I had to look that up! How fun is that game? And it looks like my whole family could play.

Killer Bunnies would be exra fun because my sons have long enjoyed the book "Suicidal Bunnies." It is funny, if you have a warped "Far Side" sense of humor.

I play Quiddler on-line everyday. I go through Set, Quiddler and Xactika. I find Quiddler most frustrating!! I am not seeing myself enjoying that as a party game.

Jackie said...

Oh, Rock Band is also a fun game to play with large groups.

TamiJean said...


Killer Bunnies is wicked, hilarious fun. I recommend going no further than the first booster pack, though even that is unnecessary. I think we've only got the starter box set (which has blue and yellow "decks" in it, if I remember correctly) and we have a grand old time. The billion expansions aren't necessary.

The rules are vague, which means you get to make "house rules". Wheeling and dealing is a ton of fun, especially when the game devolves into revenge-seeking and alliance-building. So much fun.