Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stop having boring tuna. Stop having a boring life.

Dear QotD?ers,
Please refer to Justin's list. That stuff is on our fridge. Also, a picture of my cat, a picture of my oldest neice from 3 years ago, paper towel dispenser, my coloring of a dinosaur picture and 3 postcards from Cuñao.
Usually I don't foist random stuff on you guys, but my older sister-in-law found this "rap" and I had to listen to it 8 times in a row. I'm just giving you the youtube link. It's a remix of a 'slap chop' commercial by Vince, the Sham-WOW! guy. It makes me laugh and want to dance, and that's saying something for an infomercial.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Have you ever bought anything advertised "As Seen On TV," from an infomercial, or from a shopping channel?
The Asker
P.S. Here is the original 3 minute commercial - not as intertaning


Mother of Three, Anne said...

No, although one of Bob's friends gave us a package of ShamWOws. That was sweet. But I am not as impressed with the Germans after using them. Sorry!!

HEY! Really good news!! The impertinent mouse that had the audacity to show up one morning in the LEFT slot of my toaster is FINALLY captured!!

We (the whole neighborhood) get mice every spring, except for the one year our neighbors kept outdoor cats for the purpose of mousing. HAted the cat smell off my front proch, loved not having mice in the house.

TamiJean said...

I've never purchased from a shopping network/channel directly, but I've purchased things that show up in infomercials before.

That slapchop rap is awesomesauce.

groovysabrina said...

HA! When I came home on Friday, Daryl showed me Slap-chop first thing as I walked in the door. Hehe.

My answer is no.

Jeannie said...

Yes, I purchased the Aqua Globes (and got a set free) and they do work!

Melissa said...

We bought the Turbo Tiger a few years ago in the middle of the night when we were both young enough to stay up late watching TV. It is one of those little hand vacuums that is supposed to suck up concrete and hold a bowling ball. It was horrible and barely sucked up hair. It was the worst thing I've ever owned.

Those green bags do work though. Very well.

Jessim said...

We have a magic bullet that was given to us- it makes good banana muffins but is useless otherwise It just demolishes anything.

Tried one of those pancake/egg flipper pans and it was horrible.

Probably a few other things- but everything has been picked up in stores, never ordered from TV.

Auntie Barb said...

OK, well at our house, we call it "sucker TV" and Yes, we are totally victims of the ever present "Infomercial". I am sad to say that when we allow ourselves to actually watch one, the term "SOLD" (spoken at a rather large volume) comes to mind! We have a game of guessing what the end price will be.
I have purchased . . . various exercise schemes, a printer (which I liked), some very cool "egg" cooking things, Sham-WOW, a screw extractor, many more hunting things than I can tell you, make-up, books. I have also purchased things at the store that I had seen on an infomercial. . . Ped Egg, those little hair trimmer things, tools of various sorts, that tweezese (which works very well). A very expensive "Little Giant" ladder (worth the money). I watch avidly the "Does It Work" segment of our local tv station and www.KLTV.com where he tests all these products before you buy and they keep all the results on the web (if you are interested)! This has saved me from making some very costly mistakes though.
I have to say I am a "sucker" many times, but to my defense, I would say Danny is just as bad and his MOM beats all of us! Nana was pretty bad too!
There you have it!!

Kristen said...

Anne, I'm really disturbed to hear about your mouse problems. ew.

Moo, those green bags that keep your vegitables fresh? Here's my reponse to those commercials: THE ETHYLENE! OH NO! THE ETHYLENE! Could you send it to me so we can sell it to make your plastics?

Jessi, those couples at the 'dinner party' in the commercial crack me up.

Mother of Three, Anne said...


Imagine my distress! I heard the toaster making a clicking sound, and being early in the day and an irrational woman, the first thought I had was "IS THE TOASTER ABOUT TO EXPLODE?"

So when it clicked again and then a little mouse head peeked over the edge, I was confounded. Is a toaster explosion now a better outcome than this reality??

The boys thought that I should have tried to toast the mouse. I could not get them to understand how all the possible outcomes to that scene were quite upsetting. They just kept saying...Cool!!

The mouse, while I tried to decide on what my reaction should be, finally got his footing and jumped out of the toaster, ran over my stove and under one of the burners. The toaster was thrown away and I have been endlessly scouring.

Bob finally trapped him in one of the corners of the office. When I heard the mouse squeaking yesterday, I shouted, "I HATE YOU!!"