Wednesday, May 13, 2009

they are both chocolate!

Dear QotD?ers,
I just got done watching the LOST season finale with Justin. That show is so crazy. It's really to explain just how crazy it is to someone who has never seen it. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who recorded it, so you better not either. I'll just say this: WHITE! WHITE WITH BLACK LETTERS!
I'm filling in for a guy on vacation this week. We'll call him Phillip Prince. I've said the following phrase, or it's equivallent, at least 5 times a day: "I'm Phillip today." That's my odd thing that makes no sense out of context.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Would you rather have a fudgicle or a brownie?
The Asker


Auntie Barb said...

I love both but fudgecicles remind me of when I went to Jeannie's for the birth of Lauren. Jeannie and Dennis were on Weight Watchers and she introduced me to the WW fudgecicle. It was so good, I thought to myself, "I could eat the whole box, and the calories wouldn't matter!" Not that I was worrying about that at the time as I was what they call a "stick". I really love fudgecicles in the summer and brownies in the winter.

kathleen said...

Fudgeicle, I have been craving ice cream. I have had WW ice cream items and they are good.
Yesterday we had banana pudding for dessert(celebrated a teacher's birthday) and it was yummy!
Kristen, it was Mrs. Witherspoon's birthday!

Mother of Three, Anne said...


Jacob now makes dinner for the family. One of his favorite desserts to make is a batch of brownies and then he will surprise us with fun toppings. Yeah, Jacob!! He is my favorite kid...if you don't count Nick or Jessica!!

Tami Parker said...

I will choose the brownie! But only if it is decadently rich, supremely chewy, and the perfect balance between moist and flaky.

groovysabrina said...

Brownies. Every time.

Stacy Drake said...


Jessim said...

Probably a fudgcicle. But if it's cold out, I want a brownie. If ice cream is offered with it, I want the brownie.

Jackie said...

A brownie! With a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

The Minears said...

Brownies, especially with white chocolate chips in them. But none with nuts in them. Fudgesicles remind me of when I was little, Aunt Joanie always had fudgesicles in her freezer.