Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year! 2/

Dear QotD?ers,
I'm in training until Thursday, so my expositions may be shorter than usual.
Just because 2008 is over doesn't mean we can forget it. Some of us may find it hard to do so and will keep writing checks with 2008 dates until March.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are some memorable things from 2008 for you? Did you keep all your plans or resolutions?
The Asker
P.S. my answer will be in the comments.


Anonymous said...

Jessica graduated from kindergarten.

Nick got into his first (and only, we hope) fight and served a day in ISS.

Jacob went to the Sons of Herman Hall to see his first live band.

I went from wearing contacts to glasses, a testament to aging eyes.

Bob did NOT break or seriously damage a tractor in 2008.

The playground was built.

I caved and got satellite TV for the home. I still hate it.

Anonymous said...


I kept -most- of my resolutions from 2008, but not all of them.

some of them I made a deliberate decision not to go through with, and some just kinda fell by the wayside because I didn't turn them into goals. ("finish the blanket I'm crocheting" was too giant and vague. "Get one swath of color done every two months" would be much more doable, and much friendlier.)

But I did participate and win NaNoWriMo this year. I did get a balcony garden that made me super happy. I did get incredibly far along in the Barska book, and I did lose a lot of weight.

A lot of the things I accomplished this past year weren't on my list of goals, but I do feel that having the goals there as a guideline gave me something to focus on. Like giving a frame to a pea plant when it's still a seed. Sure, it's gonna grow all over the place anyway, but you can at least be reasonably certain that it's going to end up closer to the frame than not.

Anonymous said...

2008 saw a total renovation of our kitchen and living room which pleased me greatly. As in the past, a very good job just fell in my lap and I began that in August. The company is wonderful to work for and goes out of it's way to please it's employees. I couldn't have been more blessed. I continue to love the man of my heart and we are at present healthy and happy and going to celebrate 31 years on the 14th. God has been so good to us and continues to be. I look forward to the blessings of this year.

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't actually make a resolution for 2008, but it was an eventful year.

I got a job, a new apartment and new roommate. I watched most of my friends turn twenty-one and a good deal of them get married. I also grew up, learned a lot about myself and my relationships, and ... well, I spent the last bit of it at your place, so that's pretty memorable.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I looked up the Wheel of Time. Do you suppose Nick could read them? Nick is desperate to find a good series BEFORE Jake has read all the books. That is pretty hard to do when Jake is a voracious reader and has four years on him.

groovysabrina said...

In 2008 I quit my stable job and bought a one-way flight to Brazil!

I think I did keep up with most of my personal goals, at least as best I could. I always wish to devote more time to creative outlets. Ah, and more time for books. I need to try that doable, friendly goal-making process you guys are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Finally got out of the space industry and got a real job, bought a new car, built the MythBox and a new computer for The Asker, danced to "Still Alive" by GLaDOS at a friend's wedding...

Kristen said...

in 2008 I went to Disney World and a space shuttle launch in one weekend. I won second place in a 5k race. I had a girl's day with two college friends - which I hadn't had in a long time. I read lots of books. My uncle recovered from a stroke. My brother turned 21. I suffered with chronic headaches. I enjoyed the best Christmas holiday season in 5 years.

There were a few 2008 goals that I reached, but some that I did not and are back on the list this year, including the house and getting a wedding album.