Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas: plans

Dear QotD?ers,
Merry Christmas Eve! Hopefully you don't have to work today and maybe you are already spending time with family and friends. Alternatively, I hope you finish your Christmas shopping and do a good job of packing for all the holiday travels. Don't forget the extra underpants and also your toothbrush.
I should be able to do QotD? tomorrow, so I will, but if you aren't reading this until January, you can still answer. I read alll of the answers! and I really love it. So Merry Christmas from The Asker!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are your Christmas plans this year?
I took today as vacation, but Justin has to work. Once he is home, we'll pack our small bags and driver over to his parent's for Christmas Eve and Day activities. Not yet sure when we are going to mass. But Christmas day we will open gifts and play games and eat great food. Sometime Friday we are driving up to my parent's house. Saturday we'll be opening presents, playing games and eating great food. Dad has requested that we bring Guitar Hero and Mom has requested Wii. We'll stay there a few days and then come back home where we'll have a few days to relax before we go back to work. Save your New Year's plans for later. I'll ask about them too!
The Asker


Anonymous said...

Lots of Christmas merriment....
Christmas Eve........finish last minute shopping, wrapping, enjoy a Christmas movie...Midnight Mass
Christmas Day.... open some gifts...Christmas Dinner with Matthew....Christmas movies, games
Dec. 26th....Kristen and Justin arrive...
December 27th....All children/grandchildren at home, with Festive Dinner, opening packages, playing games, etc. etc.
Fun times!
Merry Christmas to all who are reading this and may 2009 be a Happy and Healthy One for all of us!

Anonymous said...

We are having Danny's parents and sister over for soup and games since we had to move the present opening to Friday since Stacia and Bryce won't come until then. Bev and the kids will be with us tonight for Christmas Day morning and breakfast at Grandma's. She has always had breakfast on Christmas morning with stockings up there for the girls. Bev will leave for Longivew and Casey's family lunch that day and I will go home and take a nap. Danny is working so he won't be home until 6 that day. Nothing else happens until Stacia gets there on Friday and Faby and her family on Saturday. I think I'm going to like this stretched out Christmas with lots of naps in the middle! I hope to make it to Houston to see Daryl before he goes back to SA.

mmnevill said...

Games and guitar hero sounds fun, but alas that is not going to be my plan for the next couple of years due to babies and nieces and traveling. And exhaustion. You have probably heard this a million times, but it is true - enjoy your time with just you and Justin! A family is wonderful and beautiful and exciting, but it is very, very different from being just the two of you. Matt and I were married 5 years before having kids, and it was so nice. Of course, kids bring a whole new level of adventure and excitement to the holidays, and I can't wait till they are a little older and can truly immerse themselves in the magic of the season.

As for the QotD, we'll be in DeSoto tomorrow through Sunday, with a 90th birthday party for my grandpa thrown in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I somehow forgot that while some people get strep throat, others get scarlet fever. The symptoms are quite a bit different, so I just didn't put the big picture together for Jessica as quickly as I did for Nick, who showed for strep throat. This is actually my very first experience with strep and its variations. And so, this is how I am spending Chirstmas Eve...desperately trying to get care for a sick child because I was too much of a lunkhead to connect dots!! It very possibly means that Jessica and I will stay home and miss all holiday festivities!!

But, since Mike's wife, Dana, is back in the hospital for the fourth or fifth time since Dec. 1st, and I actually KNOW what is wrong with my sick one, I will consider the whole thing a good time.

Anonymous said...

We are giving thanks...even with the warm weather! Sabrina will come over to spend the afternoon with Daryl and I. Dad will get off work sometime this afternoon, Justin and Kristen will come and we will have a snack supper then on to church. Christmas morning, we will have stockings to explore, pigs-in-a-blanket to eat and games. Lauren and Ben will be coming for lunch, then presents to open, more games and movies. Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to all! May the Lord Jesus bless your comings and goings.

Anonymous said...

The doctor thought I was nuts for suggesting scarlet fever, but indeed Jessica tested positive for strep. She is currently running a fever of 101. But she is always my most positive child and she is not upset about missing candlelight service or the evening celebration at Good Grandma's. She and I will stay home and make cookies and spruce up the house so that Santa will be happy when he gets here!!

We might be able to make it to my mom's tomorrow, but that is not at all a sure thing.

I will have to support mmnevill in her statement that children add a level of exhaustion and a need for flexibility that is not nessecary for two adults.