Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fully Vested!!!

Dear QotD?ers,
Happy 3rd Anniversary to me and Justin! (also happy anniversary to Aunt Barbara & Uncle Danny). Three years ago today I was at the beauty salon, probably becoming very nervous because my Mandy Moore look-alike stylist was already 30 minuters late. But by 2:30 ish, we will officially hit the three year mark. It's MUCH colder today than it was on that day. And I had a banana for breakfast instead of kolaches and momosas(sp?) But I'll get to have lunch with my husband!
Regarding yesterday's question, Skittl1321 (Jessi), pointed out that chemistry lab work had to be done in pen for the permanent factor. I had forgotten about this. Don't do chemistry labs in pencil! In Quantitative Chemical Analysis lab, our labs were so painstakingly detail and results orientated (unlike O-chem which was ~mix mix, poof~ "I don't see a silver mirror, but I do see black clumps at the bottom of my flask.. success?") that if we didn't use pen, we got a zero. And after we reviewed our graded labs, they took them back up for secrecy! That was a tangent that I didn't intend going off into.
The traditional gift for a three year anniversary is leather.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What do you think would make a good leather anniversary gift?
(If you prefer, you may answer for the modern gift: crystal/glass)
Justin and I are going to get each other black leather shoes. We both need some. It's not romantic, but very practical. Plus I really can't think of any romantic or even love inspired leather gifts.
The Asker


groovysabrina said...

I think black leather shoes are a fantastic gift. (I hope Daryl does, too, because that is what I got him for Christmas!)

There are lots of nice leather items...jackets, shoes/boots, purses, briefcases, wallets, sofas, and my personal favorite, saddles.

Daryl Brown said...

tight  black  leather  pants.

someone has to say it.

Sabrina's right, black leather shoes ARE a fantastic gift. Other good gifts include a leather planner or a leather messenger bag (read: man purse, or murse). Both are gifts a certain girl gave me that I liked very well.

word ref today is vockless. Is that when you just don't give a vock?

Anonymous said...

Bob and I both are very lackadaisical about our anniversary. In fact, neither one of us can remember the exact date, although we both know it is about November 18th. The first six years of our marriage I was physically sick on our anniversary, which I swore was not a reflection of my subconscious. Since then, I typically lose my voice for about a five daytime span, one of which is our anniversary. Bob always considers that the most precious gift I can give!!

I am thinking you really don't need an opinion from the likes of me on this one!

What is really funny is that just this morning, as I was helping Jessica get ready for school, I has the thought that it must be close to your anniversary. The association was how skinny Jessica is, and then I thought about how sick she was that weekend and how REALLY skinny she was then and how sad she was to miss the big party and show off her dress and then I realized that it was about this time of year three years ago.

So happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

How about a big soft butter leather chair and a half to snuggle up in?
And a very Happy Anniversary to you as well! We are on our 31st today! And I still remember how much I enjoyed your wedding and the dancing that followed. It was a very nice way to spend our Anniversary.

Anonymous said...

I think leather shoes is practical.
The only other thing would be a leather chair or leather belts....nothing really romantic, though.

But I'm really tired.