Thursday, January 15, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
We went shoe shopping, but did not find anything we liked. Well, I found some cute green shoes, but I already have a pair of green shoes... I'm not sure if I need more. We ended up going to dinner at Gringo's and dessert at Olive Garden. Hooray!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's the last song you heard (or sang?)
It was on the Sirius Satallite Radio 80's station, by the cars.. but I can't remember which song.
The Asker


Anonymous said...

I Write Sins not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco.


Anonymous said...

Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes.

But speaking of songs, I must comment that the endless competition of sibling rivarly is being won by Nick. You see, on my birthday, Jacob had his friends come out and sing Happy Birthday to me, which was very sweet and cute.

Yesterday, Nick had his entire class sing to me, which was very sweet, but also embarrassing. I actually turned red standing in front of the class as they sang.

So Nick got extra points for more people and more embarrassing. Jacob is seething; Nick is gleeful; I am embarrassed. And Bob is keeping score for the boys.

groovysabrina said...

I just heard some bossa nova, I think by Chico Buarque at my lunchtime cafe.

Usually, meaning every day at the same time, they play Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits. Dream of Californication...

Happy Birthday, Anne!

mmnevill said...

Pop goes the Weasel. Are you surprised?

On a related note, googling Pop Goes the Weasel results in extremely interesting commentary on Cockney rhyming speech and meanings of the song.

Anonymous said...

On my radio home from work, "Roll Out" by Ludacris. Heh.

Kristen said...

Moo, I have no idea what the actual lyrics are, but I always sing
"All around the mulberry bush
the monkey chased the weasel.
What the hecks'a mulberry bush?
Pop! goes the weasel"

word verification: togroper

Anonymous said...

On the Road Again
Willie Nelson
Willy's Place (Sirius Radio)
I drove dad's new truck to work today.

Happy Birthday Anne!
I meant to forget my birthday..........not yours!!!

Anonymous said...

Asker, Try singing the other variation of the the song that says "all around the cobbler's bench." I think it would be most apropro if you still included the line "What the heck's a mulberry bush?"

Thanks, Groovy Sabrina!

Current song...Willie Nelson "All of Me"

Anonymous said...


Well, does it count if I forgot your birthday??

And thanks!

There is an all Willie station? Get out!! How fun is that? Martin is the smartest man I know today!