Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Presidents 4/5

Dear QotD?ers,
I'd probably want the chef to make me really great tex-mex with a chocolately dessert like that one on the cruise, or the chocolate pyramid at the converence. I thought baked alaska was some fish thing, but wikipedia tells me it's a delicious ice-cream-and-cake. Oh! I've changed my mind! For my first 50 dinners at the White House, I would want to try each state's foods. You should really scan through that list. How else will you learn that Utah's state snack food is jello? Or that 5 states have an official muffin? And for states without official foods, Chef could just make for me a cultural meal of some sort.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Apparently all the good presidents have pets, (including a pgymi hippo and alligators), so what pet would you bring to the White House?
The Asker


Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have been FIRST to answer a question.

Of course, I would bring Toottles.
And if not Toottles, it would still be a cat or cats!
Just imagine the fun they would have.
One of my assistants would have to be "official cat hair remover". Can't go and make a speech if you are covered in cat hair!

Anonymous said...

Let's assume that I have to find a new pet, like the Obamas did.

I think I will fill the White House with memorial dogs.

A cocker spaniel mix for Shane.
A black and white border collie mix for Jane.
A brown mix of unidentifiable origin for Shelby.
Two golden retrievers for Scout and Chili.
A chocolate lab for Casey.
A german shepard for Trudy.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Anne............
I'll ask........
Explain the choice of dog and the name?

did I miss something?
Were those names of past President's pets??

Anonymous said...


It is a memorial to all our past pets. As in, Shane was a cocker spaniel mix; Jane was a border collie mix..etc.

While it might appear that we just get a new dog once every three years, we actually went through a time frame of extreme dog tragedies.

Unknown said...

This weekend I went camping at Enchanted Rock and on the way back we stopped and saw a bald eagle nest. It was about 60 yards from the road and it was massive. So, my first thought is a bald eagle. Wouldn't it be amazing for the president to have the national bird in the White House? Upon further thought, I wouldn't want keep a bald eagle from the wilderness. Those things are pretty cool but I imagine they can be awfully fierce.

so..... I'd probably bring a cat. I never have been much of a dog person.

Anonymous said...

Matthew, you would be the most intense president ever if you carried a bald eagle around with you on your arm.

As far as animals go, I think I'd want something cuddly and furry. My initial thought is a koala bear, but I would probably go with baby kitten.