Sunday, January 18, 2009

Presidents 2/5

Dear QotD?ers,
I'm going to change things up a little bit. I'll be posting Questions each evening, Sunday-Thursday, instead of each morning, Monday-Friday. You are all (Y'all are) still welcome to answer them whenever you choose!
I don't know that I have a favorite president. I will say that there are some presidents that interest me more than others: JFK, FDR, Reagan, Woodrow Wilson
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Will you be keeping up with all of the inauguration coverage today?
I believe it's going to on in the lunchroom all day. I'll probably be in there for the actual inauguration part.
The Asker


Anonymous said...

I won't be able to watch the coverage, but I am sure I will catch glimpses here and there.

I like Obama, but then again I like McCain and I like Bush, so I must be pretty easy to please!!

groovysabrina said...

I will be at work all day today. But I will be switching tabs between Inauguration coverage and carbon market news.

No inaugural balls or celebrities around here, but after work I am joining some other Americans to celebrate. It's a beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

Carbon Market news? What is that?

I have been keyed in to the Chicago Tribune, a paper that has been doing a coutndown until the inauguration. Chicago is very excited. I am also tracking the New York Times and the BBC, but I do this every day. But I never track carbon market news! Why?

Anonymous said...

Yup! I'll be glued to CNN all morning.

groovysabrina said...

oh! sorry Anne, I just mean carbon market news in general...that is my field. just trying to keep track of carbon trading and any new policies ...That is why I will be switching back and forth.

I just watched the whole ceremony from here and feel properly satisfied now. A little bit dreamy.

Anonymous said...


The carbon market is your field of work!

Well, I will honestly tell you that I have a strong desire to scoff, but you must understand that I do not mean it seriously or offensively. I still harbor strong feelings about "real science" and all those other fields that just wish that they were a science. Unfortunately, the whole global warming issue falls into the category of "You Wish" and if you add in the "science " of economics..well....I am scoffing. Sorry. The economics stuff always gets me.

I did know that there is a whole system of legislation in place for buying and selling carbon emissions. I am intrigued about the whole thing.

I guess I will watch highlights sometime this evening.

Anonymous said...

Got to watch watch the rest tonight